Monday, July 4, 2016

The government is in the wrong direction in the jobs issue “- Swedish Dagbladet

Carola Lemne, CEO of Swedish Enterprise. Photo: Yvonne Åsell

the comprehensive immigration gives Sweden a unique position in Europe, with a workforce that is growing instead of decreasing. Properly utilized, it can be very good news for the Swedish economy and the country’s business, says Swedish Enterprise’s managing director Carola Lemne.

– This is a great opportunity – if they just come out of the job, she said, when she visited SvD’s tent in Almedalen on Monday.

as is the right job initiatives are cats and dogs during Almedalsveckan. On Monday took instance Center Party to make a move on the lower starting salaries can create up to 80 000 new jobs as of Monday’s big talking points.

Swedish Enterprise’s variation on the same theme was launched at the end of last week – and with a strong focus on the right to few immigrants in the job. A special form of employment for simple jobs should be created for immigrants, according to Carola Lemne, with the salary of an apprentice level rather than full payment.

– Experience from other countries shows that if you can halve the cost of hiring someone, then it will it attractive, said Carola Lemne.

in practice it to both lower wages and employer, the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise’s proposal. The salary level should be at 75 percent of normal salary, according Lemne, who points out that the members of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise is ready to start hiring for the kind of reform becomes a reality – provided the form of employment is also exempt from the Employment Protection Act, LAS, and that the rules for jobs are simple and clear.

– We have asked our members what they want and this is exactly what is needed. Less hassle and halved costs, she said.

Like many actors in the debate, she lifts the weight of it is “simple jobs” created, which does not need high education is as high as the labor market in general.

– It’s about jobs that make life easier for individuals and workplaces. You do not, for example have registered as nurses to run a bed down to the janitor in a hospital, she said, and continued:

– But the big thing with this is that there will be real jobs and not hittepå jobs . This means that you have a much greater chance of success of the reform.

And there is something , the current government has not done in their reforms, according to Carola Lemne. At a time when Sweden needs to do so has instead introduced changes that made it harder for companies to hire, she says.

– The Government goes in the wrong direction in the job issue. It has increased the tax on work and increased employer contributions for young people. One can discuss how effective previous government’s reforms were, but this is entirely the wrong way.

While there is a risk that this type of employment you propose abused. How to ensure that not happening?

– As usual, the social partners and authorities. Abuse should obviously be squeezed to, our members will be cursed on dubious players who abuse this type of initiative. But should you get scratching post in a reform, it must be easy.


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