Tuesday, July 5, 2016

EU wants approved for Canada Agreement – Västerbotten Courier

Economy. The European Commission submits to Member States’ requests and will ask all countries’ parliaments to approve the free trade agreement negotiated with Canada. The decision may, however, of free trade to plummet.


the EU and Canada was the fall of 2014 completed the negotiation of a free trade agreement (Ceta). The legal review of the text, however, has made the final approval has been delayed. The plan now is to make a final signature at the forthcoming EU summit with Canada on 27 October.

In parallel, the EU is negotiating since summer 2013, with the United States on a similar free trade and partnership, called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP ).

in particular, the left direction is, however, strong resistance against TTIP, which led to the agreement are not likely to be negotiated clearly during Barack Obama’s presidency in the United States.

the so-called CETA agreement has actually been completed negotiated long ago, but is stuck in legal finsliperi. The main issue has been whether it is enough that a majority of member states approve the agreement or if all countries’ parliaments must have their say.

The Commission considers however that the majority is enough, but still choose to ask for ratification by all parliaments.

in this way, they hope at the same time that the Agreement should be applied faster than if all countries must first agree on it.

– Ceta will facilitate trade between the EU and Canada. More trade means more growth and more growth means more jobs, said EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström as she on Tuesday presented the agreement at a press conference in Strasbourg.

Angry Fjellner

The Swedish EU -parlamentarikern Christofer Fjellner (M) is anything but satisfied and believes that now the risk is great that one of the 38 national and regional parliaments to have their say will say no – but for entirely different reasons.

– Cecilia Malmström has probably truncated-EU trade. To claim that this is democracy is like saying that the Swedish curriculum must be approved by all local governments, says Fjellner said.

Fjellner think that EU governments “escaping its responsibilities” by shooting matter to their parliaments.

– They know that this is a good agreement. Then they must be able to have the guts and take responsibility for it, too, says Fjellner.

Happy Birch

Mrs Malin Björk (V) is the happier and says that it had been ” unreasonable “unless the parliaments had their say.

” I think that when people become aware of the sour cream, the EU wants to give to big business at the expense of democracy and the environment, so it will be easier to stop both CETA and TTIP (the FTA with the US), “wrote Birch in a statement.

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