Wednesday, July 6, 2016

US and North Korea met in Sweden – Västerbotten Courier

Steninge castle outside Sigtuna was barely a month ago, the scene of a diplomatic meeting between the US and North Korea. The Sweden-based peace research institute SIPRI helped to arrange the secret meeting.

The castle’s owners Per Taube, who is committed to SIPRI, confirms to Dagens Industri (DI) that he put the castle available for the two-day meeting.

– It was an informal high-level meeting between the DPRK and the US, he said.

the United States and North Korea have no diplomatic relations and contacts often take place through third parties or through unofficial channels .

According to reports in South Korean media before the meeting, the US would be represented by, among others, Thomas Pickering, former deputy foreign minister.

SIPRI Chairman Sven-Olof Petersson would not comment on the meeting closer.

– Should we retain our credibility, we can not do it, he says to Di.


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