Tuesday, July 12, 2016

More wanted to buy Hemnet – Västerbotten Courier

Economy. Schibsted miljardköp of Hemnet was stopped by the Competition Authority. There were other interested buyers who Hemnets owners could not agree on. It says one of Hemnets partner for TT

Hemnet currently owned by Swedbank Real Estate Agency, Swedish Property, Estate Agents Association and the Real Estate Agents. The first two, with fifty percent of ownership, wanted Schibsted buyers.

The deal was finalized on 8 May last year. According to Erik Olsson, who is chairman of the Estate Agents Association, had to information about the transaction until the day before.

– On May 7 we learned that Swedbank and Property had negotiated with Schibsted and agreed for a price of one and a half billion to buy 100 percent of shares.

estate Agents Association then took out a counselor who would review the offer and see if there were other buyers.

– We found several interested parties, of which two were really serious. Both offered 100 million more, ie 1.6 billion, says Olsson.

But then opted for Real Estate Agents to accept Schibsted’s bid and thus there was a majority in favor of the deal. Last week, however, it became clear that FCA stop the deal.

– What we can say now is that we chose the wrong buyers from the beginning, says Olsson.

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