Monday, July 4, 2016

Andersson praises the Swedish model – Swedish Dagbladet

Finance Magdalena Andersson (S). Photo: Linus Sundahl-Djerf

Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson builds on brexit but then begins his seminar with a eulogy to the Swedish model.

– the Swedish model is based on broad solutions that affect all residents, such as child allowances to all children regardless of their parents’ income, says Magdalena Andersson.

to be able to charge high taxes , people must rely on society and it needs to be a little corruption. It is also an important part of our model, reason Andersson.

– It is also important that the benefits of growth are distributed evenly over Sweden. Although the social partners to take care of the labor market and wages.

What has the Swedish model has given us, asks Andersson.

– We have the highest labor force participation of all EU countries, although not more than once terms of female participation.

Andersson radar since the advantages of the model, the arbetsmarknden and for equal opportunities.

– it is relatively easy to do business in Sweden, Andersson says.

even Andersson find errors. Falling school results, a growing population, tax issues after the Panama scandal. There are also forces against globalization and discussions about politicians should affect wages.

– We make major investments in school, says Andersson, who also emphasized that the benefits of globalization must be shared more evenly.

the next person on the scene is Torben Andersen, Professor, University of Aarhus.

– This model has proven to be robust. One important explanation is that the reform capacity in the Nordic countries is great.

– But there are two major challenges. The labor market is challenged by globalization, migration and new technologies At the same time there is increased spending pressures, particularly for health, says Andersen.

From the OECD is Christian KASTROP , Policy Director, on a visit to Visby. He emphasizes that Sweden’s economy has grown more than the OECD average, but he also emphasizes the challenges.

– The productivity grows more slowly while rising poverty and growing income disparity. In addition, globalization and an aging population.

Kastrup highlights productivity as a key factor. But he also stresses that the Swedish tax system has changed, and now it is at least leveling system in the Nordic countries except Iceland.

– Foreign-born also have a weak position on the Swedish labor market, says Kastrup.

Key points for the future according to the OECD’s school, labor, taxes and transfers.

the text is updated continuously


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