Monday, June 1, 2015

Done: How to beat Sony Mobile notice –

Sony Mobile
It was in early March that Sony Mobile went out with a notice which meant that around 1000 people, including consultants, were forced to leave the mobile manufacturer.

This morning I wrote the unions and management on the papers, writes the Skåne business site 8till5. Now it is clear that the 575 employees and approximately 400 consultants suffer.

Read more:
Already shambles if alerted engineers
tray after Sony layoffs: “Catch up skills”
? 1000 served notice on the Sony Lund
 Until now Sony Mobile had about 2 000 employees in Lund that are primarily involved with software development. The reduction thus implies a fairly accurate halving of the workforce.
 - We have reached an agreement on the organization and staffing should look like and how many employees and consultants who are affected by the cutback, says Kajsa Petersson, Head of Communications at Sony Mobile in Lund to 8till5.

– In large almost all departments and functions are concerned, we do not want to comment on it in detail, but it is not just a skill group that is concerned, but it beats wide .

Sony Mobile notice was the first in a series of cutbacks and shutdowns suffered by the Swedish telecommunications industry in the spring. The same week, Ericsson went out and gave notice to 2,200 employees. In addition, Ericsson cut down consultant workforce by 850 consultants.

Although the Canadian mobile manufacturer Blackberry has in the spring announced that they lay down their Sweden Trade – which affects more than 90 employees in Malmö and Gothenburg where it had operations.


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