Saturday, June 6, 2015

Lärarförbundet saw Löfvens proposal – Express

Stefan Löfven has opened to give teachers the opportunity to dispose students’ mobile phones for prevention.

Now, judging Lärarförbundets chairman Johanna Jaara Astrand the opening lead – and says that mobile phones are a “non-issue”.

– What I think creates the greatest frustration in the teaching staff is that we have politicians who engage in this type of detailed policies, she said.

When Stefan Löfven interviewed in echoes The Saturday interview chose Prime Minister pointing out students ‘mobile phones as one of the major threats to a good learning environment in the classroom.

Löfven want to give teachers the chance to discuss the phones’ function in the classroom, and if the situation does not improve, it can be no question of tighten the rules.

– In the classes where you do not have mobiles more students learn more. In addition, students perform worse comes even worse in classes where there are mobiles with them. They will be better in classes where it is peaceful and quiet, said Stefan Löfven in the interview, referring to a study at the London School of Economics

Now, sentenced opening lead out of Lärarförbundets chairman Johanna Jaara Astrand.

– It amazes me that we have a Prime Minister who goes into this matter. It is very important to achieve study environment but it is completely different proposal that are needed, she said.

As president, she travels a lot and have contact with teachers across the country.

– There are Nobody has told me that they want me to work to get politicians to take political muscle to prevent cell phones, she says and continues:

– The signals I have received is that this is a non-issue.

She says that mobile phones used properly can be a great educational tool, while admitting that there have been times when the phones become a distraction.

– On the very most places have solved this without any problems. There are times and there are classes where it becomes a problem, but where is my picture taking a discussion together. Teachers, principals and parents will find ways to get a good study environment, says Jaara Astrand.

During the National Day keeps Stefan Löfven speech during the celebration in Sundbyberg, and Anna Kinberg Batra summer talking in Stockholm.

– I would like to extend a hand to each other on the issues that are truly important, and adds mobile phones aside, says Jaara Astrand.


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