Saturday, September 3, 2016

Just Kalmar fulfills requirements on glasses reform –

 Just Kalmar l & # XE4; n fulfill the  requirements on glass & # xF6; gonreform

Just Kalmar County Council can offer children free eyeglasses. Photo: Pixabay

A new glasses reform the March 1 would give all children in Sweden a relief when it comes to the cost of glasses. The government has decided to allocate 120 million, 800 per child each year, in order to offer the possibility to partly free glasses .

but when the Mayflower National Association made a survey of how the various counties in the country handled the new reform is the picture of the reform’s impact is anything but cheerful.

fact only Kalmar County Council which failed to implement the requirements that come the new reform. Lena Holm , the Mayflower’s Federation, is very critical of the counties in the country handled the new reform .

– It has been a grievous impact. Only in Kalmar County has made a contract with a number of eye care to all children in the region do not have to pay for their glasses. Other counties have failed to implement the reform in an effective and reasonable way.

Just Lena Holm and the Mayflower national association was particular happy when the reform was implemented on 1 March this year. She is concerned about the situation and want to see improvement from the county council can not yet offer children the grants they are entitled to when it comes to the cost of glasses.

– School nurses tells the Mayflower to the forced to hand out aspirin to students with eyestrain, every day . It is beneath contempt that the type of solution still exists, she writes in a press release.

Tags: Glasses County Council in Kalmar länMajblommans national association reform

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