Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Volvo cars is close to an ipo – the Express newspaper

I want to Expressen should be the magazine which is most generous with the rebuttal, corrections, and how we report any censure from the Press Council.

the Swedish newspaper Expressen’s ambition is clear. In our “Quality policy” switch, I wired it as published to be accurate. My first decision as editor-in-chief was to establish a fixed place in the magazine and on the site for corrections. But we are humans. Who make mistakes, get ripped off or rushed to carelessness. There are a few explanations to the errors in the media, but the excuse still not to the editorial staff of one exposure for publicitetsskada.

the Express newspaper is behind the “Ethical rules for press, radio and tv” formulated by the publicist club, the Swedish union of journalists, newspaper publishers, the Swedish Magazines, Swedish Radio, Swedish Television and Swedish educational Broadcasting company.

“the Rules are more of guidelines than a formal set of rules,” notes the Public press ombudsman (PO). What is good media ethics must be determined from case to case, and there is no exact answer. But it is good that the matter is discussed.

Expressen speak often and feel free to be clear, we inspect and we disclose; it is journalism that is not everyone will appreciate what we are telling them. If you believe you are a victim of a publicitetsskada is the fastest way to get redress, please contact us: e-mail to rattelse@expressen.se or call our nyhetsdesk on telephone: 08-738 30 00. But it is also possible to make a so-called PO-notification to get a pressetisk trial.


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