Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Aftonbladet reveals, the President was forced to apologize for his tafsande at the christmas party – Aftonbladet

the Woman won the lottery in the Eons christmas party and got the price to dance on the stage with the ceo Lars Lagerkvist.

Then, before the shocked employees, hands were all over he rough on the woman, say witnesses.

In an e-mail to all staff asking now Lars Lagerkvist on the excuse that he was too close.

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Mångmiljardföretaget Eon held its usual christmas party in Malmö last Thursday.

– at First it was like a regular christmas party with christmas dinner, beer and wine. After eating there was a kind of show, ” says one of the guests.

In the evening, had tickets been distributed and first prize in the raffle was to get the dancing with Lars Lagerkvist, 48, who in January takes office officially as one of the company’s two top executives.

firm grip on the butt

– It happened before the eyes of all. Lars Lagerkvist danced printers with the woman who won the dance and took her on the butt. Very significantly, he took her on the butt before them all, ” says another witness.

One of the guests tells Aftonbladet that it was completely silent in the audience, to people raising eyebrows at each other over ofredandet right in front of their eyes.

– I was shocked.


On Monday, got all the employees an e-mail from Lars Lagerkvist.

"last Thursday, when we had a christmas party together, something happened is very unfortunate. During a dance on stage with one of our employees, I was just too intrusive, which I now want to apologize for," it says in the email that is signed with Lars Lagerkvists nickname "Frazze".

He also writes that it was an unacceptable behavior that flies in the face of Eons of values.

"Would be spexigt"

Aftonbladet have searched Lars Lagerkvist, but he had referred to the HR director Therese Jönmark.

How could this happen?

– We had a big christmas party for 700 people. A girl won a dance with the boss and they danced on the stage. I think that Lars Lagerkvist thought it would be a spexig dance.

But it was understood not, people were shocked?

– It was probably very mixed, but it was wrong.

Var md:n full?

– No, absolutely not. I had him to the table.

he Has bad judgment, then?

– No, he has not. It was the only flaw in an unacceptable way and he walked out with an e-mail and apologised for it.

And the woman, has she been taken care of in any way?

– Her, we take care of.

Was the letter on his initiative or that of the company?

– It was on his initiative. He is the same as the company.

One of the guests that Aftonbladet have spoken with think that excuse was very fjuttig.

– To apologize via e-mail is not in line with the mutual respect that the company should stand for. I think he would put himself before all of them again and make excuse.

Aftonbladet looking for Lars Lagerkvist.


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