Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The attack can be another blow to Merkel – financial times

Terrorattentatet in Berlin can benefit right-wing populist forces in Germany and Europe.

For chancellor Merkel it means that her generous refugee policy will be re-questioned.

If the first data on the offender’s identity is correct and it is possible to pair the refugees with the attack so it is bad news for Merkel. Already in the past, there have been several smaller attacks in the Germany that the terrorists who are hiding in the refugees remained behind.

the Attack on the christmas market will by many be interpreted as yet more proof that Merkel was naive and careless when she last year welcomed the refugees who flooded into Europe with the words, “we can do it”.


Filming the chaos – just minutes after the bombing

the Wave of immigrants has already led to fierce criticism of the chancellor, and to great success for the right-wing populist party Alternative for Germany, AFD, which has gone up strongly in several delstatsval the last year. Party is around 15% in the polls before the economic liberal stance in the autumn. In this case, they will enter in the German parliament and is likely to become the third largest party.

It is no wild guess that the attack on the christmas market benefits the right-wing forces in France and the Netherlands, which goes to the options already in our. Both the Front National Marine le Pen and the Dutch antiislamisten Geert Wilder has the opportunity to end up in positions of power.

Want confrontation

It would be a pure dream for IS and other jihadist groups who want to provoke a confrontation between muslims resident in Europe and the indigenous populations. ICE tactic is to drive forward the harsh reprisals from the governments of Europe against the muslims living here. These are, in turn, get the muslims to rise up against the oppression and stand on the jihad page and trigger a great deal of islamic revolution in the world.

The more extreme parties ruling in Europe, the greater is the risk of overreacting and playing the terrorists in the hands. Especially if they act in interaction with högerpopulistiske president of the Trump in the united states.

Here you can see a big difference in how Germany acted after the attack on the christmas market in the Berlin and how, for example, France and Belgium was after the terrorist attacks there. The germans are so cautious that they not even wanted to call what happened a terrorist attack in order not to unnecessarily worry and stir up emotions while president Francois Hollande quickly went out and talked about that “France is at war”.

Perfect target

Many people talk about the shock, but the attack in Berlin should not have come as any surprise. Police in France arrested a few weeks ago a number of individuals who planned an attack on the christmas market in Strasbourg. The popular christmas markets has by many been identified as perfect targets.

the Islamic state has for several months called on their followers to stay in Europe and carry out terror attacks in their home countries instead of travelling to Syria and Iraq to wage war.

Atrocity in Berlin looks to be an attempt to copy the attack in Nice in the summer. Attacks with vehicles is one of the methods that IS constantly recommend to their supporters to take to.

Germany and the capital Berlin is, after London and Paris the most sought after place for terrorists to strike. Germany is, after all, Europe’s economic and political power.

Radical islamism has long thrived in the country. Three of the four pilots who carried out the terrorist attacks in the USA on 11 september 2001 were resident in Germany.

Terror stops

Europe has for the past two years suffered a number of terrorist attacks. With IS and al-Qaida hard-pressed in Syria and Iraq, there is every reason to believe that they will try to step up attacks in the western world. If they had the ability we had to see even more terrorist attacks since the offensive against Mosul began.

Unfortunately, it is only to realize that the terror has come to Europe to stay a good while to come. The question we should be asking ourselves is how we are to protect our societies without at the same time tearing down the welfare and the liberties we managed to fight us to.


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