Saturday, December 17, 2016

Uber refuses to park their Volvo cars.


Ubers self-driven Volvo cars in San Francisco do not run at all themselves. It is the Ubers argument for ignoring California’s requirement that the activity be stopped.

Anthony Levandowski showed up Volvo cars in San Francisco earlier in the week.Image: Eric Risberg

“With all due respect, that we do not have the DMV:s (California fordonsmyndighet) legal interpretation of the existing autonomous rules,” says Anthony Levandowski, head of the Ubers unit Advanced Technologies, in a conference call with the media.

Because Uber does not have a permit for self-driven vehicles, the authorities in the united states-the state sent a letter with the requirement to “immediately remove the company’s ‘self-driven’ vehicles from the state’s roads,” reports Reuters.

But Levandowski says that the XC90 that the company in cooperation with Volvo Cars is out on the streets of San Francisco continues to roll, and that Uber does not even intend to seek the authorization of autonomous vehicles, such as Tesla and Google have.

He mentioned the competitor to the Tesla as an example, and explained that even if Tesla cars can drive themselves, it must according to the rules at the moment still sit a person in the driver’s seat. Even if the person does not move a finger during the trip it can not be termed as a self-driven car, claiming Levandowski.

– We have someone sitting in the driver’s seat, and even a person next to that keeps track of the system and confirms that everything goes well.

– you can go in and take control of the vehicle at any time.

In its press release on Wednesday expressed the Volvo that the cars running “autonomously, but in the pilot study they will all the time have an Uber-technicians in the vehicle to monitor the performance of the car”.

the Betting in San Francisco represents a continuation of the initial test runs in Pittsburgh earlier in the year. Volvo will also launch a similar program in Gothenburg, sweden after the end of the year.

the Competition is now fierce on the field. Tesla ceo Elon Musk has set a target to one of the company’s Model S cars to drive itself from Los Angeles to New York in 2017.

– Without any need to lift a finger, and it includes the charge, he said in October.

the coast-to-Coast in the united states, it is about 450 miles, more than twice as far as to run between the Sweden’s southern and northern ends of the earth.

It has, however, not clear whether Musk says that the car should drive without any man.


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