Saturday, December 17, 2016

LO and the confederation of Swedish Enterprise in the war of words about the jobs.

LO and the confederation of Swedish Enterprise has run properly at loggerheads. Previous transcription of the call if the more simple jobs for low-skilled workers has collapsed.

It all started with the confederation of Swedish Enterprise ceo, Carolina Lemne, went out in Today’s News and demands concessions from the LO and the government.

Among other things, a special form of employment for low-skilled workers with full-time employment for 75 per cent of the lägstalön, no payroll taxes and no requirements of the collective agreement. The appointment would not make demands on the education and involvement of the public employment service.

– LO and the government must accept a simpler, cheaper new form of employment, said Carola Lemne in the article.

A gambit that got LO to see red and give a response.

– Creates a group that receive a 75 percent salary, no contractual benefits and no education, then they will not enter the system. Rather, you get more of the society, may with the domestic servants, who at the early 1900′s, ” says LO:s’s head of negotiations Torbjörn Johansson to DN.

According to him, prevents Lemnes move in the press of any contract. At the same time, he says that LO is fully aware that the Swedish labour market faces its most difficult trial in the modern era, and that they therefore are prepared to engage in discussions.

” But we make up the solution will hurt, for LO, for businesses and for government. No party will get everything it currently points to, ” he says to the newspaper.

This comment has screwed up the tone even more and has got a Swedish Industry to roar back.

“LO’s unwillingness to put the public interest before their own särintresset means that the social partners are not able to take the responsibility we should take for even low-skilled new arrivals should be able to get a job. Thus, it is now up to the government and parliament to reform the labour market so that more low-skilled workers can get jobs,” says Carola Lemne in a press release.

LO, in its turn, called a press conference about the broken calls that are held at 15 in the afternoon.

Prime minister Stefan Löfven regret the situation.

” I think it is sad, of course, but I can’t take a position on what is the problem, it must the parties themselves to account for. But it is boring, we need to do more for people who have lower qualifications also can get jobs, ” says Stefan Löfven to TT.

TT: it Can mean that the government must do more to take the legislative route?

” I may come back to it, I have just received the information so I can’t make that conclusion yet. But we must ensure that people who have lower qualifications will have the opportunity to get in work, it is very important.

the Facts: LO’s objectives of more jobs for the new arrivals:

A model that is similar to the so-called YA-the jobs, where work and training are interspersed.

A system of apprenticeship, with the right to a certain theoretical training after a period of time as an apprentice.

A pass into the Swedish society that works for both the employee o employer, with the salary going to live on.

Source: the DN

the Facts: the confederation of Swedish Enterprise requirements

full-time employment to 75 per cent of the salary.

the Removed contributions.

No demands on collective agreements, concurrent education or the involvement of the employment service.

Source: the DN


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