Saturday, December 10, 2016

Trump’s ”chamber of horrors” turning the clock back – Aftonbladet

A environment minister who denies climate change. A labour minister against the tray. A minister who wants to take away the public health insurance.

When a new president moves into the White house, usually the pendulum beat, but Donald Trump’s “chamber of horrors” stands for an extreme reversal.

For those who thought that the Donald Trump as an elected president would show a more moderate side, the recent appointments had an equally tillnyktrande effect as a bucket of ice-cold water over your head.

No one should really be surprised. In many ways, make Donald Trump what he promised in the election campaign.

He believes that global warming is "a hoax". Therefore, it is only logical that he appoints Scott Pruitt as the minister for the environment.

Pruitt is a strong defender of the continued use of coal and oil. As late as may, he claimed that there is no scientific evidence for human impact on the earth’s heating. He has, during his time as Oklahomas attorney general sued EPA, the u.s. environmental protection agency, that they tried to do their job, to protect the united statesenvironment.


– To give Pruitt the job is like hiring a pyromaniac to fight the fires, ” says Michael Brune, the head of one of the U.S.’s largest environmental organizations.

One of Trump’s main campaign promises was to tear up the general health insurance that Obama introduced, which means that millions of previously uninsured americans gained access to health care.

Tom Price is one of those who most vigorously argued against Obamacare. As minister it will be his job to re-pulling the rug out from the poor americans who once again will not be able to afford to go to the doctor.

Snabbmatskungen Andrew Puzder has been known as a strong opponent to raise the minimum wage and against more wage and salary earners covered by the overtime pay. Now he gets the chance to implement their löntagarfientliga ideas, when he takes that Trumps the minister of labour.

Doomed agreement

At the point after the point is Trump’s appointments a total rejection of everything president Barack Obama tried to implement. The pendulum swings from the far left (for us conditions) to as far to the right that it hit the roof.

When republican George w. Bush moved into the White house after democrat Bill Clinton, there was a sharp movement to the right. The time it was the neokonservativas agenda that dominated. When Barack Obama took over, it was a sharp capsize to the left. So tend to often see when the US change the president. But Trumps the diversion is on a new level.

It will have consequences for the rest of the world. With Trump as president, and Pruitt as the minister of the environment is the climate treaty from Paris in the next doomed. The world’s effort to meet one of the greatest long-term threats to the planet hamstrung in a situation where the work would need to be speeded up.

Kill the job

In a globalised world, it becomes not easier for Europe and other countries to pursue issues relating to the rights and access to health care when the world’s biggest democracy and economic superpower is in the opposite direction.

the Signal is clear. Trump wants to tear up the enduring. The old truths are questioned. Many of the supporters pay tribute to fastighetsmiljardären appoints a number of successful individuals to manage the country.

Ministers who often dislike the state as they do kills jobs. Something that got the Washington Post to in a heading to wonder: “Want to Trump’s ministers control the state or dismantle it?

the Question is who will benefit, AMERICA’s millionaires or the ordinary worker who Trump claims to represent.

Some of the Trumps, the appointments are so controversial that the senate can block them despite the fact that the republicans have the majority in both the senate and the house of representatives. In which case it will be a hot political battle on many of the names. Something that further contributes to the polarisation in american society.

In the electoral campaign of the agitated Trump all the time against the establishment and against the lobbyists. Now he is giving the top jobs to a number of billionaires who donated large sums of money to his campaign and that is as much a part of the establishment as the politicians in Washington.


Trump hung out fackordförande on Twitter



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