Friday, December 9, 2016

The JAS-deal: Lula suspected of corruption – Göteborgs-Posten

World The federal prosecutor’s office in Brazil has notified the ex-president Luiz Ignácio “Lula” da Silva for a series of crimes. Including is now aimed their suspicions against him in connection with the JAS Gripen deal. In the study mentioned also the Swedish prime minister Stefan Löfvén.

According to the prosecutors should crimes have been committed between 2013 and 2015, when Lula had already left the presidency. The classification of offences reads, favoritism, money laundering, and cartel formation. The irregularities that the authorities should have identified, must have led to that the brazilian government chose to buy 36 saab’s JAS Gripen-plan of Saab, reports the brazilian newspaper O Globo.

Promised to influence the government

According to the brazilian federal prosecutor’s office to suspicions, not only directed against the former president Lula and his son, Luiz Cláudio Lula da Silva, but the brazilian lobbyist Mauro Marcondes and engineer Cristina Mautoni suspected to be involved. They own together lobbyistföretaget Mautoni&Marcondes (M&M).

The former president Lula should have promised to influence the government to benefit the companies that participated in the presentation. According to the data published to Saab, the group Caoa, which distributes automotive brand of the Ford company, MMC have benefited. There must also be evidence indicating irregularities in the form of tax breaks for the automaker, according to prosecutors, reports the brazilian newspaper Folha de São Paulo.

– In the exchange were lobbyists, over 2.5 million reais which is then sent to Lula da Silva, writing riksåklagarna Hebert Mesquita, Frederico Paiva and Anselmo Lopes in the indictment, according to O Globo.

2.5 million reais equivalent, according to today’s exchange rate of just over 7.5 million.

Ex-president Lula refuses, however, to accusations that he and his son would have been guilty of something in the contract, reports Reuters.


Prosecutors argue that the arrangement should have been based on a “triangelförhållande” which was set up by M&M’s customers, intermediaries, Mauro and Cristina, together with Lula da Silva and the one who had the mandate to make decisions that would benefit the customers. The person should have been the current president, Dilma Roussef.

During the investigation, there has been evidence to suggest that the president was aware of the kartellbildningen, underlines the prosecutors, according to O Globo.

Prosecutors describes in the indictment is how it happened when Brazil decided to buy the Swedish JAS Gripen stridsflygplanen, which at the time of writing produced. The procurement that led to the contract with Saab began in 2006, but it was only in 2014 that the brazilian government signed an agreement with Swedish Saab on the delivery of the plan. Prosecutors describe the last years before the signing of the agreement as a spectacle for the galleries.

” It was a new thrust by the Swedish company, which already had an implied agreement with M&M (through Quadricon) and in August 2012, they began working directly with the brazilians, it is stated in the indictment, according to O Globo.

Prosecutors argue that M&M was 1,84 million euros of Saab (the equivalent of almost 18 million sek). Of this total to 744 000 euros (the equivalent of over seven million) have shifted hands between 2011 and 2015.

” the Explanation for these additional payments shall be based in to the lobbyists managed to convince the swedes that they were closely linked to the ex-president Lula and that the swedes therefore could rely on the couple’s influence on the government would ensure victory in the contract. Thus, the reduced technical arguments and effektivitetsindikatörer to make the details of the deal in contrast to the closeness and friendship to those in power, say the prosecutors.

Reported to have done up with the Video:

Prosecutors believe that there is a wealth of evidence that will strengthen their prosecution.

– There is an intense exchange of e-mail messages between employees within the M&M and the Lula Institute, which aims to facilitate a meeting between Lula and the future of the Swedish prime minister, Stefan Löfven, is it in the indictment, according to O Globo.

The meeting should then have been made in the protection of a completely different event. Namely, at the burial of a further known fackföreningskämpe.

the Documents seized at the Lula Institute’s headquarters in São Paulo also revealed that Löfven wanted to meet the ex-president Lula and current president Dilma Rousseff in south Africa during Nelson Mandela’s funeral. On 9 december 2013, traveled Lula and Dilma to the african country to attend the funeral. Then mean the prosecutors that the matter should have been ready.

Nine days later, on 18 december, announced the brazilian government’s decision to buy 36 fighter aircraft of model Gripen. It was the end of a long struggle and victory for M&M’s client, say the prosecutors, according to O Globo.

Saab denies irregularities

On the Saab, you shall not have devoted themselves to the irregularities.

” We have an extremely strict policy as regards business management. We have cooperated with the judicial authorities in Brazil at the previous genomlysningar of this agreement and will continue to do so, ” says Sebastian Carlsson, press officer at Saab.

the Prosecutors believe that you should have paid you for the contract with Brazil, what do you say about it

– It is not true. We have acted in a transparent manner throughout the procurement process. Brazilian authorities have gone through the contract carefully on a number of occasions, most recently in the summer in London. Looking at the articles now directed no suspicions against neither the Saab or the saab employees. Are you interested in receiving comments on the brottsanklagelserna made now may I turn to the people mentioned, says Saab’s press officer.

Prime minister Stefan Löfven has declined to comment on the information obtained.

– There is nothing that we will comment on in the day, writes the prime minister’s press secretary, Jonathan Holst, in a text message to the GP at 22:30 on Friday night.

Suspect in three additional cases

Ex-president Lula is suspected in a further three cases linked to the extensive korruptionshärvan around the parastatal oil company Petrobras.

ALSO READ: Lula indicted for corruption

In one of these cases, the suspicions of cartels, favoritism, corruption and money laundering. In this case it is the construction company Odebrecht, which is in the centre.

The second case that he should have tried to bribe one of Petrobras ‘ former high-ranking executives. This is because Nestor Cerveró was one of the whistleblowers who started the whole korruptionshärvan around the oil company.

The third case regards the offences of passive corruption and money laundering. Where we suspect that the company OASIS should have bribed to benefits by renovating a luxury flat to Lula.


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