Tuesday, December 6, 2016

the municipality in which the people serve the best – Upsala nya Tidning

more than 350 000 kronor, the median income in Danderyd by 2015, according to statistics SWEDEN’s preliminary figures, which the news agency Siren has compiled. It is of 90,000 dollars more than the national average of 260.000 sek and thus the highest in the whole of Sweden. In 76 of the country’s municipalities, including the town of Knivsta, Håbo, Enköping and Uppsala, sweden, the low median income above the national average. In 214 municipalities, including the Heby, Tierp, Älvkarleby and Östhammar, low median income below the national average by the year 2015.

– this is how It usually looks. It is Stockholmskommuner which is highest. It depends on that you make better and a larger proportion of the population working there, ” says Petter Lundberg, researcher at statistics SWEDEN, to the Siren.

länslistan qualified, Uppsala county, sweden in third place with a median income of 265 247 sek. On the first place is Stockholm, 290 201 sek, and on the other site, Halland, 267 620 sek.

Footnote: the Statistics refer to aggregate income, which consists of income from services and business. In the income of the services included in addition to employee income including income from pension, sickness benefit and other taxable compensation from the Swedish social insurance. The median indicates the middle value in a population.


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