Saturday, December 3, 2016

The final sprint before the referendum in Italy – Sveriges Radio

Cykelmanifestation went between the regeringsbyggander affected by the changes in the constitution that the referendum is all about.

Regionpolitikern Gian Paolo Manzella explains why he supports the ‘ yes ‘side, despite the fact that it wants to centralize and reduce the regions’ power.

– There are too many vested interests, ” he says.

the Yes-side would like to see faster beslutsgångar and greater efficiency. They want to reduce the powers of the senate in the bicameral system, in which each decision is taken two times.

On one of the ruling party the Democratic party local office, ” says Alessandro Faensa that the election campaign has been long and aggressive.

“It has seldom been about the issues in the debates between the prime minister Renzi and Femstjärnerörelsens Beppe Grillo, which dominates the’ no ‘ side, with populist rhetoric with attacks and exaggerations.

Matteo Renzi has threatened to resign at a ‘ no ‘ has led to the referendum for many is whether to vote yes or no to Renzi.

But for partikollegorna is avgångshotet logical. Renzi came to power on the basis of its reform programme.

“He is uncompromising, as politicians, and it is refreshing,” says Valentina Caracciolo.

But the market and the outside world is concerned about the increased political uncertainty in Italy. Nonetheless, there is a possibility, that if Renzi gets the full support of the parliament, so he can to come back and restructure the government. But Beppe Grillo and Femstjärnerörelsen which is Italy’s second largest party, hoping for new elections.


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