Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Right to Sweden’s young muslims are losing support – Expressen

the Decision to deny grants to the association Sweden’s Young Muslims means a welcome change of direction. The state bidragskran can do more harm than good.

the State’s subsidy policy towards civil society has long been remarkable. Despite högtidsord about the importance of safeguarding democracy, tolerance and human rights seem the strongest right to have been the one to actually get the refund. To repeatedly invite hatpredikanter has not been an obstacle for the current government payouts.

as late as in October, the Authority for Youth and civilsamhällesfrågor (MUCF), and that it was right to give a half a million kronor to the Sveriges Förenade Muslims. Despite the terrorexperter describes the association as a hub for jihadistkretsar and to Gothenburg municipality stopped the lease of the premises to the association when it reviewed by the security Police.

U-turn of the MUCF

Then was an explanation from the MUCF to the association’s statutes were actually egalitarian and democratic – that if the criticism ever acted on the ill-designed policy documents.

But now the authority a spectacular u-turn. On Monday, it became known to stop contributions to another association, the Swedish Young Muslims, who several times has been revealed to have hired anti-semites and homophobes as a lecturer.

This time, the case officer obviously read more than just the statutes. In the decision, described the SUM as an environment where individuals do not respect democracy, the ideas and how the association has links to other organisations nor is it consistent with these ideas, like the Muslim brotherhood.

Overall, it is a hearty utskåpning of the association, which in the past has been led by the former minister for housing Mehmet Kaplan, MP.

it really is all about a changed attitude of the MUCF is clear from the decision. It says that the agency’s earlier interpretation was that it was enough that an organization was within the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of expression to be deemed to be acting within the “democracy of ideas”. Now do the final assessment and write that you need to be sure that contributions do not affect the priority policy areas, to “combat intolerance”.

On the one hand should know what the other is doing. It should have been an obvious starting point for a long time.

Welcome to change

Certainly, you can object to the agency now gets more opportunities to act as political arbiters. But one must not confuse the right to contribution with the association.

the Last S-the politician Nalin Pekgul is one of those who have long campaigned for the state to be more thorough with the contribution that it pumps out. She believes that organized islamists have been able to move forward their positions in the utanförskapsområden much thanks to the generous financial support from the public.

That the state is now finally starting to be more careful with what and who you support is, therefore, a very welcome change of direction.

also Read:

the tax money will not go to the extremists

Even here in Sweden muslims are victims of fanatics

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