Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Löfven: “We must get to the end of hell” – Aftonbladet

EU. EU leaders are powerless in the face of the carnage in Aleppo in Syria.

– We must put an end to this hell, ” says prime minister Stefan Löfven (S).

the Frustration was evident when Löfven consulted with the parliamentary committee on EU affairs ahead of Thursday’s EU summit in Brussels. Migration policy and defence cooperation have long been on the agenda. However, recent developments in Syrienkriget can come to overshadow the meeting.

– frankly, it is shameful that the international community is unable to act, ” said Löfven.

Must act on

According to him, the EU must push for civilians to be evacuated from the worst of the stridsområdena in Aleppo and the syrian regime and its allies “are held to account for their actions”. But what the EU could do could the prime minister not answer.

Löfven noted that the EU has long talked about that the only solution to the Syrienkonflikten is a political solution. He noted, however, that the world is now witnessing is a military solution. Löfven was frustrated with initiatives from the international community blocked through vetoes in the UN security council.

Want to not have to pay the

In a draft outcome document for the EU summit condemned the syrian regime and its allies attack against Aleppo. The EU accuses Syria and Russia to deliberately target civilians and hospitals. In the draft, stressed that those who have committed crimes against international law and possible war crimes must be held responsible.

at the same time looks to the EU forward. The draft says that the EU will contribute to Syria’s reconstruction only if a “credible political transition” has been launched. It is interpreted as that the syrian regime must allow a political opposition in the country.


the EU summit agenda

EU summit to follow up the ongoing work in the field of migration. The union is to strengthen its external borders and to reduce the migratory flows through cooperation with countries in Africa and the Middle east. The EU countries also agree to negotiate a new system to distribute asylum seekers between themselves.

EU summit to follow up the ongoing work to expand the security and defence alliances. Prime minister Stefan Löfven sees a need to expand the försvarssamarbetena, but stresses that the defence shall be determined by each member state, not by the EU.

EU summit expected to endorse an extension of the sanctions against Russia because of the Russian actions in Ukraine and annexation of Crimea. The EU summit will also clarify the meaning of the association agreement with Ukraine for the Netherlands to ratify it. The netherlands want to make it clear that the agreement does not mean that the EU-membership, försvarsförpliktelser or that ukrainians have the right to freely work and live in EUROPE.

EU summit should also go through the arrangements for the forthcoming negotiations about a british EU exit.

Source: TT


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