Monday, December 12, 2016

Boman compensated with miljonökning – Expressen

in the Spring of 2015 left Pär Boman the role as ceo of Handelsbanken, in order to become the president. However, he chose to keep his ceo salary is over 11 million, revealed Today’s industry then. Something that stirred up fierce criticism against Pär Boman, who among other things was called greedy.

But Boman backed off. In a press release, he said that he would not take a salary, instead just a board.

But it was not the whole truth, reveals Today’s industry in tisdagstidningen. Particular thanked the Boman ‘ no ‘ to the ceo-salary – but shortly thereafter was offset by a “significant upward adjustment of the pension”.

“I can’t talk”

Di reveals that the pension provision for the Boman increased from 196,6 million to 223,1 million. Thus over 30 per cent, to 53.5 million.

in Addition, it shows that the Boman, in a previously unknown agreement, had their pension placed in a so-called “blank cheque”. It means that he gets 60% of its last ceo salary as an annual pension from the age of 60, and he will not have to work in the pension benefit, despite the fact that he left the ceo position as the 53-year-old.

When Pär Boman chose to keep his ceo salary of 11 million called Carl Rosén, the Swedish former ceo, Boman for worse than greedy.

Photo by: Lisa Mattisson

And: Pär Boman will receive continued directors ‘ fees from the bank. Last year, the fee amounted to 3.1 million, according to the Di.

– Sorry, I can’t talk, ” says Bente Rathe, board member of Handelsbanken, to the Di when the magazine is trying to confront her about the data.

“Almost worse than greed”

When Pär Boman chose to keep his ceo salary of 11 million called Carl Rosén, the Swedish former president, Boman for worse than greedy.

” this is almost worse than greed. Anything that is not explicitly forbidden is okay in this men’s world, ” he told SvD Näringsliv.

Rosen is now head of department at the näringslivsdepartementet. He declines, via the press officer Ann Wolgers, to comment on the new data.

Mats Olsson on Handelsbanken’s press office says that the bank is preparing a press release as a response to the Di’s article.

– It will come within a not too long while, in which we denied the essential elements of the article, ” he says.

“Di’s data is unfounded and completely false.”

about 40 minutes later publish it with a disclaimer on its website.

“Dagens Industri writes, wrongly, that Pär Boman, then he quit as ceo in march 2015, ‘compensated for the lönebortfallet by a pensionsändring, something that increased the shareholders ‘cost of 54 million’,” writes the bank, and continues:

“Di’s data, claims and conclusions with no basis and is completely false.”

Then, they write to pensionsförändringen is not a new agreement, but an agreement signed under Pär Bomans time as ceo.

the Express newspaper is looking for Pär Boman.


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