Sunday, December 11, 2016

Befesa Scandust stop their activities – Helsingborgs Dagblad

Befesa Scandust spjärnade first opposed and appealed against the county administrative board’s prohibitions. But inhibitionen was rejected, and on Friday stopped the company output in all cases.

the Image was taken in connection with the supervision of Befesa Scandust last week. Then, among other things, samples of the water puddles on the area, like the one on the picture. It turned out that the water contained very high concentrations of cyanide.Image: County board

On Thursday, announced the provincial government to metallåtervinningsföretaget Befesa Scandust prohibits recycle the metal. The reason is the serious emissions of cyanides and heavy metals, that the company will not deal with.

the Ban is valid from Sunday, and is connected to a penalty of a fine of sek 50 million per week the company breach it.

a Few days later start another prohibition apply. Then, the company may not accept or deal with raw materials. The ban is linked to an equal penalty.

the County administrative board’s decision is unique in its kind. A similar decision on the produktionsförbud has probably not been in Sweden.

But Befesa Scandust does not accept the ban. On Friday appealed to the land and environment court. The appeal was submitted to the county administrative board and at the same time, the company requested interim relief, therefore, that the decision be postponed pending the court decides the case.

In the appeal writing to the company, inter alia, that “the Decision on the ban is extremely far-reaching and lacks all proportionality”.

Furthermore, you write that there is reason to fear that the people or the environment takes damage. Some positive effects for the environment in the area may not be the immediate ban.

Some evidence that the purification process would not work, are not, according to the company.

the Company claims that no puddles and no sludge leaves the area without being contaminated, thus poisoned, the water is returned to the cleaning process. And the occasional dead birds are sometimes found in the area is not strange or remarkable.

the Befesa Scandust also warns that a ban would threaten its existence. A one-month stop would wipe out the entire annual profit.

“We have handed over the dossier to the land and environment court and now we are going to be heard,” says Margareta Svenning, miljöjurist on the county board.

As the ban comes into force on Sunday, the land and environment court to quickly come up with a decision. It’s all about the hours.

– Very fast. But I can’t determine how fast the court is, ” says Margareta Svenning.

But during Friday changed the company. Now the resulting company the county’s call to stop all the recycling of materials in the business.

” We can’t emphasize enough how seriously we look at the situation. We understand that people in the area are worried and we will work hard to regain trust from the public, with the start of today’s decision, writes the chief financial officer Wolf Lehmann in a press release that Befesa sent out after the bell 15 on Friday.

– A good decision for the environment, ” comments Margareta Svenning the company’s latest announcement.

the press release comes at the same time as the land and environment court announces that it rejects the company’s request for interim relief.

the Court notes in its decision that here there is the opposing interests of the public in the form of human health and the environment, which strongly suggests that the decision shall have immediate effect “in particular with regard to the existence of non tillståndsprövad waste dumps and the need to not exacerbate the extent of contamination further.


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