Sunday, May 8, 2016

Investor required 240 million in taxes – Expressen

The Wallenberg family is through the investment company Investor major owner of, among others Astra Zeneka, ABB, Atlas Copco and Electrolux and Mölnlycke Health Care to be invested in 2007.

According to SVT News are both Investor and Mölnlycke Health Care avoided to pay tax on the gains Mölnlycke done. Something Tax Agency now react to and reject Investor’s tax planning.

Tax Agency has reviewed the companies

The National Tax criticize companies to use so-called interest turbines where Mölnlycke paid interest to another company Investor. The deduction has now been rejected by the Tax requiring Investor of 240 million.

“The account of the Investor’s Annual Report 2013 shows that the bought Mölnlycke Health Care Group has been very profitable over the years. Despite this, the Swedish companies almost never paid any corporate income tax. this is because the group provided with such large amounts of holding companies that profits completely wiped out fiscally, “writes the Swedish tax Agency.

Over Lagat to the administrative court

Investor believes themselves not to be broken the rules, and argue that the reason why Mölnlycke Health care has not paid tax is that the company borrowed a lot of money, according to Swedish Television News.

The Investor has not paid taxes on the interest received from Mölnlycke Health Care is said to be due to large loans and expenses Investor netted against interest income.

– We think it is important and good that we have a dialogue with institutional shareholders. And we had also in this case, says Stefan Stern is Head of Communications at Investor to SVT News.

Investor has appealed the decision to the administrative court.


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