Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Pessimistens guide to the stock market in 2017 – Business

Bloomberg has made a list of the worst possible scenarios for the next year.

When the news agency did the Pessimist’s Guide before 2016 warned that Donald Trump would take power and that the Uk would leave the EU. It then seemed unlikely became, with the benefit of hindsight, reality.

Now Bloomberg, once again, made a pessimistic guide before 2017. This is roughly what the news agency warns.

1. Pretty soon after the installation by Donald Trump as the new president’s honeymoon is over. Protest movements like Black Lives Matter, the former Occupy Wall Street activists and college students begin to prepare in the new actions. The resistance is strongest in California, where billionaires like Elon Musk and Sheryl Sandberg come together in an alliance against Trump. In turn, this leads to divisions in congress. On the stock exchange yesterday, the banks, steel companies and security companies upwards the initial months. Pretty soon begins to bond yields to rise and teknikjättar as Apple, Facebook and Google are taking a beating when the fight between the teknikmiljardärerna and Trump escalates.

2. Trumps isolationspolitik and Vladimir Putin’s attack forces German chancellor Angela Merkel to make a difficult choice: to lead a military forces against Russia or to conclude an agreement with Putin on the spheres of influence in Eastern europe. Russia takes back its posted battle plan and, in exchange, recognize Trump and Merkel, Russia’s influence in Ukraine, Belarus, and Syria. The settlement allowed the ruble to rush when Russia once again has become a major world power. The losers will be the försvarsbolagen.

3. A trade war breaks out between the united states and China. Trump faced with heavy tariffs on chinese goods, and China responds to devalue the yuan, to block the Iphone sales and cancel the Boeing orders. U.S. political maneuver creates a division in China’s communist party over how to deal with the debt-ridden economy. It leads to the deepest recession in the history of modern China. Småbolagen on the Russell 2000 index rise on expectations of duties, while a currency crisis like the one that occurred in 1997, starting in Asia.

4. The united states is leaving Nato and the UN. The islamic state is exploiting the situation to radicalize central asia. The fear of not having protection from the united states is increasing in saudi Arabia and Japan started to manufacture their own nuclear weapons. North korea shocks the world by firing their nuclear missiles against the west coast of the US. The events forcing Trump to ask China for help tackling north Korea. Försvarsbolagen soars on the stock market and asian equities fall after the flight to safer harbors like government bonds and gold.

5. The populists are winning in Europe. Marine Le Pen takes power in France, Beppe Irons femstjärnerörelsen in Italy and Merkel loses the German election. Free trade agreements are broken, and countries decide to leave the euro zone and the EU. The unrest in Greece flaring up again, and this time there are no emergency loans to hand. The european currency hit hard.

6. Wikileaks reveals that teknikjättar collected data to the U.S. government from smart phones and electronic home. State employees hackers create a panic when they close down power plants, self-driven cars, etc. A cyber war breaking out between major world powers.

7. When Trump takes his hand from Cuba, along with the country with Russia and China. Russia is opening up once again a military base in Cuba, and the hard hit tourism, and above all kryssningsbolagen.

8. The US leave Nafta, the face of high tariffs vis-à-vis Mexico and raise the tax on mexicans working in the united states. The money is funding the construction of the wall towards Mexico, which goes into a deep recession. The mass deportations of mexicans to their home country will create huge unemployment in Mexico, and many are forced to work in drug dealing. Vänsterpopulisten Manuel Lopez Obrador, the power and förstatligar all the oil.

9. Yemen turn into Saudi arabia, Vietnam, the taxes are raised and people’s dissatisfaction grows when the standard of living to deteriorate. Iran increased influence in the region and shiamuslimerna go forward in Iraq and Syria. A coup takes place in saudi Arabia, and the current royal family. The united states is not concerned anymore with the Middle east and a war breaks out between Iran and saudi Arabia. The war takes its toll on oil exports in the area and the price of oil soars.


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