Thursday, December 15, 2016

Johan Carlström might have been selling Fingerprint-shares – Business

Fingerprint Cards, a major shareholder and former ceo Johan Carlström may have sold shares in the biometribolaget. To a storpost, nominee-registered in Luxembourg, has fallen sharply in november suggesting it. It writes the Dagens Industri on Thursday night.

Värdepappersinstitutet Clearstream in Luxembourg, where Johan Carlström of nominee-registered a large part of its holding of B-shares in the Fingerprint, during the november reduced its ownership in the company significantly.

Johan Carlström has either sold the borrowed shares for short selling, or moved shares – and in this case to several different accounts to get flödesmatematiken to go together which makes this option extremely unlikely, according to Today’s Industry.

the Magazine believe that Johan Carlström sold between 1.2 and 4.3 million shares, which at the end of november was worth between 100 to 350 million.

Johan Carlström says to the newspaper that he did not want to comment on things relating to his personal finances.

During the börsrallyt in december, the OMXS30 index has risen 4 percent, which can be compared with Fingerprints decline of 25 per cent in the previous week’s profit warning.


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