Thursday, December 15, 2016

Facebook takes battle against fejknyheter – Västerbottens-kuriren (the Courier)

Nöjestelegram Facebook is now launching several tools in the fight against fejknyheter. Among other things, to the social nätverksjätten cooperate with the organisations that examine the veracity of the spread on the network.

Facebook will also test a tool that makes it easy for users to mark a post they think is an attempt to spread the imaginary data.

"We believe in giving people a voice and that we ourselves can not be the truth, the arbitrator, therefore, approach the problem carefully," says Facebook’s vice president, Adam Mosseri at the company’s site, according to Reuters.

Facebook intends to work with organisations who reveal the fejknyheter, such as Snopes, an american colleague to the Swedish Viralgranskaren operated by the Metro newspaper.

If an organization finds that a news is false, it will not be removed, but flagged as disputed, and provided with a link to an explanatory article, writes Mosseri.

Facebook, Google and other internetjättar has been criticized since it was observed that the amounts of the false news were spread during the presidential elections in the united states.

After the first have dismissed the reports, Facebook acted to choke off the spread, including by blocking sites that spread the false news from Facebook’s popular ad network Audience Network. But the action beats just against those who want to earn money on fictional news, not against those who spread misinformation for other purposes.


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