Friday, December 9, 2016

Befesas decision: production in Landskrona, sweden – Aftonbladet

Environment. the Company that released the cyanide and heavy metal that poisoned the groundwater – responded with an appeal when the county board decided on the downtime. But now the company has decided to comply with the authority’s decision.

Time and again stresses chief financial officer Wolf Lehmann, on the metallåtervinningsföretaget Befesa, the company looks seriously at the situation.

– We are now starting to prepare the close down in a safe way. We believe that this work is completed during the Saturday, ” says Wolf Lehmann, who is also responsible for Befesas business improvement.

Risked miljonvite

Downtime from Sunday, announced the county board in its decision on Thursday. If the environmentally hazardous activity continues to be punished metallåtervinningsföretaget Befesa Scandust in Landskrona, sweden with sek 50 million in liquidated damages for each week of production week, according to the decision.

Short answer Befesa with an appeal and requested interim relief, which means that the decision may not be executed until it is finally decided in court. Barely a day later found the land and environment court that there are public interests in terms of human health and the environment, which strongly suggests that the decision shall apply immediately. There is not sufficient reason for the suspension, writes the court in its decision.

the Same afternoon came a new message from Befesa. The company had decided to follow the cab’s decision and stop all the recycling of materials in the operations in Landskrona until the company is sure that the business meets all of the requirements.

– We appealed the injunction yesterday. But today we have looked at the matter again and decided to follow the county’s request. Once again, we look very seriously at the situation and we will continue to work with the provincial government to take the right action and solve the situation, ” says Wolf Lehmann.

Cooperate with the consultant

Befesa shall cooperate with an external miljöteknikkonsult to deal with the situation in the best way, ” says the cfo.

TT: How long time is estimated produktionsstoppet last?

– We don’t know yet. Together with the county administrative board, we take the decision on when the situation is resolved. I have no good answer to that question right now.


Cyanide and heavy metals

Befesa Scandust receiving waste from the steel mill industry in the form of filterstoft, i.e. the impurities collected by the filter in order to avoid that they will be out in the air. At the plant in Landskrona recovered metals from this dust. Cyanide is a waste product that occurs in the process. The sludge is transported further to Germany.

County administrative board has repeatedly visits found deficiencies in the company’s self-monitoring. The procedures are not followed and management of the wastewater treatment plant deficiencies. The company’s waste water treatment plant has been knocked down repeatedly.

Cyanide has been found in the pits of surrounding properties. There have also been incidents of fish kills in the harbor right next to the company.

At a oaviserat recent visit found the cab staff also cyanide in the water puddles in the commercial sphere, with the risk of nedträngning in the groundwater. The company releases according to the county water containing high concentrations of cyanide and heavy metals (chromium, cadmium, zinc, lead and molybdenum). The water reaches the sound, either directly as surface water and through groundwater.

Source: The county administrative board


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