Tuesday, February 9, 2016

EU guarantee to provide jobs in northern Sweden – Sydsvenskan

To get boost companies closes now a two-year guarantee agreements between the European Investment Fund (EIF) and the Norrland Fund, a foundation whose mission is to promote the development of businesses in Norrbotten, Västerbotten, Västernorrland, Jämtland and Gävleborg. The agreement does not mean that the EIF put any money in Norrlandsfonden – however, they stand as guarantor for 50 percent of the credit loss if the borrower can not repay their loans.

– We expect to expand our lending by 20 percent. Companies receive more money for better conditions, says Lars-Olov Söderström, CEO of Norrland funds, which estimates that some 30-40 more companies will be able to get loans than would have been possible without the guarantee agreement.

in total there about 180 million Norrland funds can now pay the second mortgage. According Soderstrom release state loans second money making agreements guarantee, in fact, is worth up to half a billion.

– As we now have a safety net and not fully need to charge for risk, the borrowers a lower interest rate than they would otherwise have received, says Soderstrom.

Mikael Damberg hope on the agreement to provide more growth and more jobs.

– I am particularly happy today because this is where this capital is needed most in Sweden, he says.


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