Thursday, February 11, 2016

Liberals: Before starting job with lower wages for young people and newcomers – Business Week

The Liberals want to introduce a new type of employment which will make it easier for young people and newcomers to enter the labor market. The so-called starter jobs would be exempt employer’s contribution and involve a salary of 11,500 crowns.

Failing unions and employers even in this bargaining with to lower the thresholds into the labor market liberals want to introduce the new form of employment starter jobs for young people and newcomers. It writes the Liberals Party leader Jan Björklund and economic political spokesperson Erik Ullenhag at DN Debate on Thursday.

“We want to send a clear signal to the parties. In the event that bargaining fails to lower the thresholds into the labor market liberals take political initiatives to reduce starting salaries so that young and new immigrants the chance to get into the Swedish labor market, “they write.

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Start jobs must be a way into the Swedish labor market and have a salary of between 14 000 and 16 000 per month and be exempt from payroll taxes, which means that employers’ costs can often be halved compared to a corresponding conventional employment. For the individual means starting job a salary of at least 11,500 per month after tax.

“In the context of an overall tax reform, we intend to propose that income taxes on these levels decline further,” writes Jan Björklund and Erik Ullenhag.

Start Jobs Employment should be simple and without administrative requirements unrelated to collective wage levels or the administration of the Employment Service.

Start Jobs will be available for new arrivals in the first five years in Sweden and for young up to 23 years of age. “The integration challenge is too important for politicians not to act on the LO and the Social Democrats continue to bury our heads in the sand and not see them as stuck in isolation,” writes Jan Björklund and Erik Ullenhag.

READ ALSO : 10 000 new jobs for Swedish Norwegian will fly over Russia


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