Photo: Torstein Bøe/TT
Flygskatteutredningen has internally discussed several different levels of taxation for air travel. The lowest level is proposed to be 80 dollars and shall apply for every single flight in Europe and thus also in Sweden. The next level, travel outside Europe within 600 miles, will cost 280 sek and the maximum tax rate, for trips that are longer than this, it is proposed to be 430 dollars.
Children under two years should not tax to be paid for. It is the air carrier to pay the tax.
the Tax can only be levied on departures from uk airports so the total cost for two adults and two children over two years travelling to Thailand will be 1 sek 720, provided that the airlines and tour operators take out the whole of the increase in the cost of the passengers.
A tax rate of sek 80 for shorter flights is what Norway introduced earlier in the year.
The last time there have been loud protests against an airport tax, primarily from politicians in the Norrlandslänen and from the aerospace industry. The majority in the parliament trafikutskott also prepares a statement in which it says no to the tax.
the Voters, however, is positive, according to a survey from the Lining Sifo, commissioned by the Swedish society for nature conservation. More than 70 per cent are fairly or very positive to an airport tax. 20% is fairly or very negative attitudes to the tax.
the Women are to a greater extent than men are positive to the tax, 79 per cent and 67 per cent, are for. Decomposed on partisympati is a majority of the aviation tax in all parties on the basis of the responses in the survey, with the greatest preponderance among the MP-, V – and S-constituents. The least positive overweight is among the SD and the M-voters.
Those who do not want to have the airline tax often claim that the environmental impact is very limited. Experience from Europe shows that the taxes that most brakes the increase of the number of flights slightly.
” There will be some effect, but the treasures that are available today are not jättehöga. They are also not the only policy instrument that is required, ” said Jonas Åkerman, head of research for transport and location analysis at KTH.
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