LKAB:s mine in Kiruna. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg
Sweden A sharp fire broke out in a building at the LKAB’s mine in Kiruna, sweden, on Monday. It took emergency crews several hours to extinguish the fire. A number of crimes will be investigated by the police as a result of the fire.
It was at 14:30 on Monday afternoon as emergency services and police was alerted about a fire at the LKAB:s mine in Kiruna. The emergency services arrived first at the site.
– It burns sharply in the insulation in the pipe that goes around the works, said Björn Karlström, styrkeledare at Kiruna municipality’s emergency services.
Police were on-site after 15-time. The origin of the fire should have been some form of maintenance work.
” They have kept on with the so-called hot jobs in one of LKAB’s buildings. In connection with this, it has taken the fire in the tube, confirmed Peder Jonsson, police communicator at regionledningscentral in Norrbotten, sweden.
some 20 people who were in the building evacuated from the premises. The current property where the fire broke out is a anriktningsverk.
– There is a strong smoke outdoors, motioning for Peder Jonsson.
20 individuals fought against the flames,
the Emergency services started a major effort to extinguish the fire. The first place was LKAB’s own strength, but it was not enough.
” We were 20 people that worked with the fire fighting. Half was LKAB’s first responders and half were from the us, explained Björn Karlström, styrkeledare at Kiruna municipality’s emergency services.
Despite the large number of personnel from the emergency services, it took just over three and a half hours to extinguish the fire. First, at the 17-time was the fire extinguished.
– It was difficult to access the fire because these works are quite complex in their construction. To even begin to extinguish the fire, you have to find out by a long way. There was another reason that we needed to have considerable resources during the operation, says Karlström.
How would you describe the way to the fire?
– We had to walk 200 metres to get to the fire. It was a road that went through the stairwells, on ladders and in tunnels where transportbanden go. So it takes little time to go through the route with equipment and hoses.
Despite the fact that the fire would be extinguished were the emergency services remained at the scene more than an hour later.
“We have managed to extinguish the fire, but now, restoring everything and check the areas that are still a little warm,” explains the municipal civil protection styrkeledare.
Dual investigations
No person shall have been damaged so severely that it needed to be brought by ambulance to the hospital. However, the LKAB information that some people may have incurred minor damage.
” Four people said that they have breathed in smoke from a fire. They were not with the ambulance to the hospital, but took themselves there on their own, ” said Tina Benson at LKAB’s press office.
on Tuesday, the two investigations to be initiated to try to determine what the fire was.
– Our patrol left the site at 17:20. They had been in contact with miljlöåklagare about what happened. After it held hearings with those who were on the place and documented the place, told Peder Jonsson, police communicator at regionledningscentral in Norrbotten, sweden.
Now, the police have set up a notification if arbetsmiljöbrott, induction of danger for another and allmänfarlig negligence.
– It will be a criminal investigation will be investigated by the police special miljöutredare, clarified Jonsson.
On LKAB’s press office has nothing to say about the suspected crimes.
– I am relying on the police to do their job. We will take advantage of their observations and these will be included in our investigation also. We always start an investigation after this type of event, ” said Tina Benson at LKAB’s press office.
IN LKAB’s investigation are the analysts responsible for each of the activities that were affected by the fire, together with LKAB’s emergency services and union staff.
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