Deutsche Bank noted its lowest rate since at least 1992 on the Monday morning after negative news about the state aid, and the DAX index fell burdened of the bank – and försäkringsaktier. Also in the rest of Europe backed the sector.
Deutsche Bank’s headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany. Photo: Michael Probst/AP
Sources close to Germany’s chancellor Angela Merkel told the German weekly magazine Focus over the weekend that her government will not provide any state aid to Deutsche Bank, or in the bank’s legal dispute about the potential rekordböter in the united states. In any case, not in the year leading up to the next election, which is held in september 2017.
Deutsche Bank is threatened by a fine of 14 billion dollars from the united states on the basis of the bank’s handling of mortgage-backed securities. It is more than twice as much as the amount the bank had reserved for the purpose, to 5.5 billion euro, corresponding to eur 6.2 billion.
added To this are the legal risks related to other activities, for example, valutamanipulation and help with moving the capital from Russia. Several banking analyst, for example, from JP Morgan and Société Générale, and in september wrote about the significant risks of under-capitalisation of the Deutsche Bank, as a result of the fines.
Deutsche Bank share was down almost 7 per cent, and noted then 10:63 € in intense trading. Banking and insurance was the worst sectors in the Euro Stoxx 600-the index, minus the 2.9 and 2.3 per cent, at 10.30 o’clock. The Financial Times notes that the latter is one of the summer’s biggest reductions.
The German insurance company Allianz was in the power of its larger indextyngd a larger börssänke in the DAX than the Deutsche Bank with their minus 2.3 per cent, while a kursnedgång in the Siemens 1.5 percent weighed even heavier.
Even in Sweden, the financial sector was the worst sector, with Handelsbanken as the OMXS30-jumbo at minus 2.4 per cent shortly before 11 o’clock. Among the other major banks went Swedbank least bad, minus the 1.5 percent.
the OMXS30 was down 1.3 per cent, with Nordea as the main and SHB as the second main sinker.
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