Thursday, May 7, 2015

The ants welcome tax proposals – Helsingborgs Dagblad

– It feels fantastically well, it’s a very important activity they engage, says Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson (S) said.

– There is a broad consensus in Parliament on this will be resolved, she says.

As Initiative of parliament from the governing parties and the Left, and a memorandum from the Government sent out for consultation, there must be a solution that tax exempts the clubs concerned from in 2016.

And by September this year, they shall, through a special support, get back the VAT they have so far paid this year. During the rest of the year, while they must continue to report VAT, should the monthly get back the same amount of support.

– We had hoped that we had been able to make tax exemption retroactive, but it was unfortunately not possible, says Magdalena Andersson.

The requirement that unions would pay the VAT was incurred after a judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court in 2013.

By mid April expressed Network Nonprofit second hand, which, among other things, the Red Cross, ants and City Mission members, big disappointment that the government had not found any solution. They argued that they are forced to put much time and energy to account for VAT and the payments so that they can not help people in the way they intended. Some have talked about turning.

ants president Caroline Andermatt, also president of the network, welcomes the new proposals.

– It is extremely positive, we welcome the fact that things are happening so that we can continue to pursue our activities to help people living in vulnerable situations, she says.

At the same time brought as a result of questions about what the solution concretely means .

– Why can not for example, we are not VAT exempt right from this half-year, July 1, instead of 1 January 2016? And how is this to be purely administrative to pay and then get back tax money?

The non-profit organizations continued during the year are forced to administer VAT can be problematic, she points out.

– There will be both very painstaking and very expensive. The time and money we want rather spend on doing good in the community, says Caroline Andermatt.


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