Thursday, May 7, 2015

Swede Peter Carlsson will make Tesla cheaper – New Technology


Suddenly one day four years ago was contacted Peter Carlsson of Tesla. The haussade electric car producer whose cars cost nearly 800 000, had heard of the Swedish logistics star who was then working with the production of semiconductor manufacturer NXP in Singapore.

After meeting with the gang in Silicon Valley and tested the prototype was Peter Carlsson convinced.

– I was incredibly impressed by the people and was struck by the intense energy. So I told my wife that “They have something very special going on. This adventure can not say no to. “

Peter Carlsson began as purchasing and logistics manager at Tesla headquarters in Palo Alto summer 2011.

As a young man he studied production and quality control at Luleå University. I worked for some years in the North, and moved to Lund in 1995 to work with mobile phones at Ericsson, long before Sony entered the company.

– It was also exciting. We were already convinced of the extreme volume growth that awaited mobile industry.

Tesla’s vision is equally dramatic. The founder Elon Musk, but own experience in car manufacturing, has decided to challenge the traditional, capital-intensive automotive industry.

– Everyone here is so dedicated to the vision and so incredibly focused that I have never seen before. The last evening of the first quarter Elon itself in the plant in Freemont to deliver cars to customers. Everything that we could reach our goal.

Peter Carlsson also tells the somewhat quirky actions the company took during the prolonged strike at the port US West Coast in the winter.

– We worked like animals to find solutions to the delays that occurred. We got boats to increase the speed by speaking directly with the captains. I contacted through the head of the Swedish Wallenius Lines, which I knew was a big Tesla devotee.

The call paid off. Billionaire Jonas Kleberg helped.

– If there is something that Elon Musk tried to drum into, it is that “the battle is not over until the clock struck twelve, “said Peter Carlsson.

The automotive industry has always been considered extremely volume-dependent. One Toyota’s annual production was about 9 million cars last year, the Volvo 466,000 and Tesla 35 000 million.

Silicon Valley company looking for other ways to work on to achieve profitability with lower volumes. Purchasing managers Carlsson believes that a crucial difference is work with suppliers.

– We are working directly with suppliers, and not with the larger system integrators. We chose, for example, to turn directly to Apple’s suppliers and developed our own infotainment system instead of buying a ready solution.

On thus hoping Tesla kill two birds with one stone. Unique functionality and lower costs.

Tesla’s price level has to be down to reach the increased volume. The ambition is to halve the cost of future models with maintained range.

– It is challenging but quite possible to halve the cost of materials for most parts in the car. We have, for example, a lot of leather upholstery of premium quality. With some simple materials and large volumes, we can make savings.

– Battery cost is a major challenge. It takes almost as much cheaper batteries in the Mid vehicle. And that is why we are building the new battery factory.

Tesla is investing SEK 35 billion in its Gigafactory in Nevada. There trying Tesla create an efficient material flow with raw materials directly from mines in North America and the electricity costs that are significantly lower than in Japan, where batteries are manufactured today. In this way, the company expects to be able to lower battery costs by 30-40 percent. The production will start next year.

Not far from Tesla’s headquarters is Apple, which is said to want to be part of changing even the car industry.

Peter Carlsson would not reveal if he believes in the rumors that Apple is developing its own electric car.

- No, I will not comment on it. But all in Silicon Valley talk about it as it will be done. And it is clear that Apple is looking for that kind of people.

If he has become approcherad wish he did not comment. Peter Carlsson says, however, as it should be, that all competition is welcome.

– And since our vision is to transform the entire industry, so of course we want more people to produce electric cars.

Peter Carlsson does not seem concerned that an innovator like Apple could be a greater threat than, say, Ford and Toyota.

– No, but it’ll be competition for talent. We notice already. We recruit fresh from one another.

And how is he, really, that Elon Musk, one of the world’s most celebrated entrepreneurs? Peter Carlsson describes him as “incredibly focused, visionary and quick-witted.”

– He refuses to accept conventional approaches and challenge us all the time.

He has asked Peter Carlsson why the new lighter aluminum materials used in the aerospace industry are too expensive for bilframställning.

– And then requires Elon that goes down to the atomic level in order to determine whether it really needs to be more expensive. Elon pushes all the time. It is enormously stimulating – and challenging.

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