Monday, April 27, 2015

“Clever” tax deduction BOUNCE – Göteborgs-Posten

To the declaration becomes many times especially clever. But cosmetic surgery, guard dogs and unwillingness to contribute to the defense is not something you get a deduction for.

Each year refused thousands of taxpayer deductions on the declaration, as these do not have much with the job and the income to do – or still considered to be private expenditure. Most of it is probably accidentally or due to ignorance – but hardly all.

Not infrequently deleted declarants from their personal circumstances and seeking a kind of justice through tax deductions.

Milk Purchases

The family with a bunch of teenagers who daily threw itself gallons of milk wanted to pull of milk purchases. A single mother with a daughter who lives lonely and felt insecurity wanted deduction for their dog, OBTAINED protection. There was no in both cases.

Kay bunks, business developer at Swedish Tax Agency, has over the years amassed some odd deduction attempts.

– It is increasingly common for models and celebrities, or those who hope to become one, trying in vain to pull off the plastic surgery and makeup, he says.

– Others want to deduct for suits, because their careers have specific dress codes. But the only thing here is deductible are protective.

Therapy Deduction

A woman wanted to deduct the cost of the therapy she needed to put up with her boss . Work-related in their own way – but turned down.

A person who sold bilpolermedel wanted deduction of a Porsche that he claimed only used to demonstrate the products. But no. Another entrepreneur did not deduct the cost of a helicopter which he claimed to use in the job. His interest in aviation was also found to be mostly of a private nature.

A little on the high side was a person who sought to deduct the corresponding “his” contribution to the armed forces. Another returning from year to year and demanded to pull off “their” share of government borrowing. Slammed and slammed again.

– One of the most common tax deductions that are otherwise inadmissible purchase of computer, which is now considered a normal private cost, and deductions for travel expenses for a car when you’re only entitled to bus passes. Many people gamble simply says Kay berths.

Facts: Tax deductions

Last year declared the Swedes earned a total of 2004 billion (income year 2013).

The approved tax deductions amounted to EUR 169 billion.

The residues 1 835 billion in taxable income.

The largest deductions for travel to and from work (13, 5 billion), pension, etc. (11.6 billion), separation and trips home during temporary work (2.3 billion) and expenditures for the production of income (1.2 billion).

Source: National Tax

– It is increasingly common for models and celebrities, or those who hope to become one, trying in vain to pull off the plastic surgery and makeup.

Kay bunks, business developer at Swedish Tax Agency, if fanciful and Well clever attempt to tax deductions.

Last year declared the Swedes earned a total of 2004 billion (income year 2013).

The approved tax deductions totaled 169 billion.

Residue 1 835 billion in taxable income.

The largest deductions for travel to and from work (13.5 billion), pension, etc. (11.6 billion), separation and trips home during temporary work (2.3 billion) and expenditures for the production of income (1.2 billion).

Source: National Tax


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