Monday, November 14, 2016

Trump: I will not take out any pay – financial times

the Night of Monday, american time, began the first big interview with Donald Trump broadcast on american television.

In the interview, which answers he information that his supporters have harassed minority groups.

“I am so sorry to hear that and I say "Stop", if it can help,” he says.

the Renowned "60 minutes" on CBS was the first major television interview with the newly elected president, Donald Trump.

the Programme would be broadcast the night of Monday, american time, starting at 01, but an NFL game delayed startup.

But at the appointed time published in CBS, despite the delay of the entire interview in written form.
Trump was pressured on the information about the hispanics and the muslims been harassed by the Trumpanhängare. The future president said that data came as a surprise.
– I am so sorry to hear that and I say "Stop", if it can help, ” he says.

Promise to defeat the ICE

Trump also had questions about the ICE – terrorsekten he confidently promised to defeat.

In the interview, he did not want to go in on the way but continued to claim that he knows more about ICE than what the u.s. generals are doing.

” I probably make it, just look at the job they have done. They have not gotten the job done. Maybe it’s leadership, maybe it is something else. Who knows? All I can say is that I know that we will get off the ICE, ” says Trump.

Donald Trump were also asked questions about a large number of lobbyists included in his övergångsteam – and how well it matches with the vallöftet that he would "drain the swamp" in Washington.

– It is the only thing that is there. All are lobbyists. That is the problem with the system. We’ll clean up, ” he says. SEE ALSO PLUS Trumps plan – so will he destroy the ICE

Intend to build the wall against Mexico,

Earlier on Sunday released CBS a förhandsklipp where Trump got the answer to quick questions about the previous positions.

Then he said, among other things, that he stood by his promise to build a wall against Mexico as part of to reduce immigration.

– In certain areas I would accept a fence. But in other areas, would a wall be more appropriate. I am very good at this. It called for the construction, ” he says in the program.

He also stated that around two-three million undocumented would be deported or imprisoned.

” We should get hold of those who are criminals and are in the criminal record. Gang members and drug dealers, ” he says.

In the interview, maintained the wealthy fastighetsmiljardären that he does not intend to take out the more than 3.6 million crowns, which presidentlönen consists of.

“I think that I by law have to take a dollar so I’m going to do,” he says.

His opponent in the election, democrat Hillary Clinton, has put a great deal of blame for the election loss on FBI director James Comey. Eleven days before the election, he announced that the FBI opened the investigation of the Clinton’s use of a private mail server in utrikesministerstiden. Once again, noted the FBI that there was no reason to suspect her of a crime.

In the campaign called Trump consistently Clinton for "the villain Hillary" and has promised to appoint a special prosecutor with the mandate to investigate her.

He did not answer whether he plans to pursue it.

” I’ll think about it. I feel that I want to focus on jobs, health care, border and immigration, ” he says.


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