Monday, November 14, 2016

Comment: New stjärnsmäll for blankarna in Intrum Justitia Private Business

Different as short-selling positions have come into focus on the stockholm stock exchange during the last few years when large, often american, hedge funds taking large positions speculating in decline for specific shares. Right now Intrum Justitia is most blankad on the stockholm stock exchange with about 15 per cent of the shares in which the funds have approximately 275 sek, which is the ask price.

This means that they borrowed the shares and sold them for an average of 275 usd to be able to buy them back cheaper and therefore make the difference. But now it’s just the opposite – the share in Intrum Justitia has risen in recent times and today came the big stjärnsmällan when the company announces its fusion with the giant Lindorff.

Share price rise by over 10 per cent at lunchtime to just over sek 310, but has also been noted over 330 sek in the morning. The reason is that the merger of the two companies looks to be a “perfect match” between the two companies that operate in the same markets and where there are large synergies to download.

Intrum Justitia as, formally, acquires Lindorff via a new share issue is expected to get an increase of profit by over 75 per cent per share over the next 3-4 years – this can be compared with the forecasts in the market for today’s Company, where the profit was expected to increase by 26 percent between the years 2015-2018.

There will be a rapid increase in shareholder value, according to the Intrums calculations and therefore it is not surprising that the stock market reacts with a proper kurshöjning. In addition, investors in the back two good news last month from the company in mid-October, delivered an interim report which was well received by the market.

Profit rose by 12 percent in the past year, and ceo Mikael Ericsson was very positive to the future of the company. And he could, of course be, well aware of what was going on with Lindorff. In addition, he delivered a great miljardförvärv in the Uk in the last week – something that will strengthen the company’s presence in an important country for a credit management company that will contribute positively to the Intrums profit from the start.

For those who like dividend has Intrums board of directors determined that the former dividend policy will continue in force, which likely involves a greatly increased dividend in the coming years. For 2016 is forecast at approximately 9 sek, which means less than 3 £ in the dividend yield. But the merger with Lindorff, and the profits accruing, should thus mean that Intrum Justitia in the future can take place among högutdelarna.


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