Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Greatly increased migration costs – Göteborgs-Posten

Last year’s wave of refugees is evident in the Spring Bill. Stock Photography. Photo: Marcus Ericsson, TT

The State’s costs for migration and integration is expected to rise to over 70 billion in a few years. It reduces the scope for reforms, but the government plans no tax increases or savings because of the refugee crisis. – It would not

It would not be appropriate to make major tax increases or savings to meet expenses, said Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson (S).

She is not worried about government finances. Andersson said they are sound and believes that the growing expenditure for the refugee crisis is a “temporary cost hump” that decreases after 2020. That year, expected government expenditure on migration and integration be at 72 billion kronor, compared to 19 billion in 2014.

of course, it affects the ability to implement reforms. The scope for reform that normally grows when you have a growth that now, it will naturally be less, says Andersson. Saved more

Just the cost increase since 2014 is estimated to be close to 50 billion on average every year until 2020. In addition there are a number of billion of assistance to pay part of the migration policy.

Andersson points out, however, that the state would have saved more about migration costs would have been lower.

It is not as if they had been able to use these 50 billions to other reforms, she said.

Now, public finances are expected, ie state and local authorities, a deficit until 2019.

31 billion

Already this year, the Migration Board 31 billion in additional funding. The billions needed to meet housing costs and benefits to asylum seekers.

The government also proposes some minor funding increases for this year because of the refugees, such as money to the school facilities, teaching and quicker assessments of refugee education and skills .

More money will also be placed on ensuring that those who are rejected asylum applications also returning to their country

Do not asylum then you should also return, says Magdalena Andersson.

The police receive a supplement to cope with the increased workload, SAPO get more money to strengthen efforts against terrorism and Migration Board receives more resources to enhance security in the asylum accommodation.

Other changes

The Government also suggests some other changes in this year’s budget. The appropriation for renovating school buildings and school yards are reduced by a total of SEK 500 million. For school principals to have better planning opportunities postponed appropriations for 2017 and 2018.

The government also pulls down on the 2016 appropriations for labor market programs and interventions by 850 million. The decline is not expected to have any material impact on the business, writes the government.

The allocation for education and university research decreased by SEK 907 million in 2016. That’s because for the most part, 658 million, in the effort to expand the number of employees in kindergarten and primary school not hit as well as the government had hoped.

Assigned funds have not been used to the extent that the government expected, and will instead be added to the later years. It is therefore anticipated spending to hire more pre-school and primary school teachers to increase by 329 million in both 2017 and 2018th

fact: Announced proposals for 2017

Ten billion in higher government grants to municipalities in 2017

New tax on banks give the state 1.3 billion

Reduced advertising by 20 million.

Ruth deduction for repair and maintenance of appliances in the home.

Halving VAT on repairs of bicycles, shoes, leather goods, clothing and household textiles.

Business owners who makes his first appointment may be lowered payroll first year.

Businesses get lower interest income on capital in the tax tax accounts.

Source: Government


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