Monday, June 8, 2015

S receiving less support from union members – Radio Sweden

Today came more detailed figures from last week’s big party preference survey from Statistics Sweden, SCB. The figures shows that the LO members’ support for the Social Democrats have declined. From 56.6 percent last May, to today’s 49 percent.

– It is a symptom that you do not feel that the government has been able to realize the Policy husband went to the polls on. And still a right budget in the country, which is the major challenge facing the autumn budget that it becomes an aggressive policy that invests in lower unemployment and better welfare, says Tobias Baudin, Vice President of the LO.

The figures show that the Conservatives go up among young people. The party will increase by almost six percentage points in the group for 29 years.

According to the Moderates’ party secretary Tomas Tobé changes are a consequence of the party put its policy.

– I think it’s about the Conservatives have reconsidered a part of our policy, we will present new proposals. It is clear that it is interesting for us to see who the new voters. It means that there will be an acknowledgment of the political proposals that we choose to come forward, he said.

In addition to the Conservatives is increasing among young people is another change of the party to support among women is growing, by four percentage points since November last year.

SCB Survey big loser is also the Social Democrats, according to Johan Eklund, Product Manager at SCB.

– They have gone backwards overall. A clear area where they have fallen among young people under 30 years where they have gone back quite a bit.

Have they gone to the Conservatives, which of course has increased among younger?

– There is probably no daring guess, but there is nothing we can see. We have not looked at direct feeds.

The Sweden Democrats were the party that increased second-most in the poll, the Party received its highest number ever in SCB’s examination of which party they would vote for if elections were held today , 14.5 percent, and the support is driven up among the foreign born.

After Party Preference Survey was presented during Monday 8 June, the SD supported by 10.4 percent of the electorate.

The more profound the numbers in this study also shows that in just one year has SD’s supporters in the group of foreign-born has gone from 1.8 percent to 8.5 percent in a statistically significant rise.

Richard Jomshof, the Sweden Democrats’ party secretary, is not surprised by the results.

– There are some Christians who come here as refugees who fled Islamism and who do not understand how we reason in Sweden, he says.

Many people think you have a tough rhetoric against Muslims. Has it affected you think?

– I have also encountered a lot of members in the party as such has Iranian roots, which are themselves Muslims and who fled Iran and fled the Islamists who control Iran, which does not understand the appeasement and that no one really takes the threat from Islamists seriously, says Richard Jomshof.

Footnote: SCB does both measurements of estimated election results if it were the general election (which was presented last week) as well as the estimates of party sympathies of the electorate. The latter estimate takes no account of whether to vote or not.


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