Monday, January 2, 2017

Spicer: Sanctions against Russia exaggerated …

The u.s. sanctions against Russia, utvisandet of 35 diplomats from the united states, may be excessive and whether this is the case is something “to consider”.

It said Sean Spicer, one of the president-elect Donald Trumps employees that are expected to be Donald Trump’s press secretary, in an interview with the tv channel ABC, according to Reuters. The statements came after the united states reported 35 Russian diplomats with families to have hacked Democratic partitoppar.

“One of the questions we have is: why is this magnitude? I mean you see 35 people deported, two locations shut down, the question is whether the response is proportionate to the behaviour? Maybe, maybe not, but you have to think about it,” said Sean Spicer.

Donald Trump himself has expressed scepticism about the data on that Russia is behind the hacked e-mails.

“I think it is unfair if we do not know. It can be someone else. I also know things that others do not know, so we can’t be sure,” said Donald Trump on Saturday.


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