In several Swedish counties is the average price for a villa of about 1 ; 5 million. In the metropolitan areas get an average pay two, three or even four times as much. Stock Photography. Photo: Hasse Holmberg, TT
Finance Parts of Småland, New, New and county. These are some of the regions where housing costs below 14 000 per square meter. In Kalmar County receives almost four villas for the price of an average Stockholmskåk.
During the second quarter, the average prices of housing, either apartments or condominiums, or both, under 14 000 per square in seven Swedish counties, the latest figures show from Mäklarstatistik.
at the same time cost one square meter of housing in England on average 44,000 (villas) to 56 000 (condominiums).
Excessively large differences? Not if you ask an economist.
– It’s all about supply and demand, says the mortgage company SBAB’s chief economist Tor Borg.
Strong links
Two of the most crucial factors when it comes to regional differences in housing prices is demographics and the labor market, according to Tor Borg.
– If you look at population growth and employment growth, so there is very strong long-term relationship with the housing prices change.
Indeed, statistics from the Employment Service and Statistics unemployment is relatively high in many of the counties where housing prices are lowest, which Gävleborg and Blekinge. In other “cheap” regions, Västernorrland and Värmland, the population growth the past few years been well below the national average.
“Expensive Kalmar”
However, in such areas as Småland counties Kalmar and Kronoberg are the causes of the low housing prices are not as obvious.
low and low, by the way. Kalmari Terna does not think housing prices are low.
– No, I think not. You think it has become expensive in Kalmar. We still had a price rise that has ticked at 10-15 percent a year, says Pontuz Lofgren, president of a real estate real estate agency in Kalmar.
He points out that the price differences are dramatic even internally in the county. The county town is cut prices three to four times higher than in smaller municipalities and communities.
– As soon as you get outside the urban area will drop the price levels fairly quickly.
Stronger options
Pontuz Lofgren believes that the high housing prices begin to tempt many storstadsbors patience and smaller towns like Kalmar in the long term “is a stronger alternative.”
However, interjects Stockholm-based chief economist Tor Borg, it is far from all that thinking purely financial terms of choice of residence.
– First, you labor in Stockholm, and you have a city life and a range of entertainment that attracts very many too. Obviously, people are prepared to pay such a big difference.
The Facts: Housing prices in different counties
The average price per square meter for houses and condominiums in the period from april to June:
County Villas condominiums
Kalmar 13 052 16 371 Utah 13 517 13 276 Kronoberg 13,577 21,783 Florida 13,605 13,777 Texas 13,640 16 190 Värmland County 13 645 17 108 Dalarna County 13 932 15 544 County of Norrbotten 14 121 17 306 Jönköping County 15,562 20,402 Örebro 16 793 19 551 Västerbotten 17,195 21,694 Jämtland 18,202 19,727 Västmanland 19 364 17 510 Östergötland County 20,406 22,372 Texas 20,783 17,418 Skåne County 21 094 21 923 Gotland 22 773 29 346 Bay State 25,235 33,367 Uppsala 25 529 34 152 Halland County 26,414 26,721 Stockholm County 43,970 55,868 Full Empire 23 694 37 187
Source: Mäklarstatistik
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