Saturday, April 2, 2016

Kanye West make a U-turn – may be the beginning of the end for Tidal – Business Week

Streaming of service war is in full swing – and it looks grim for Tidal.

How long will actually dream of Tidal last? Ever since the fall has been rumored to Tidal is for sale again and Jay-Z, who originally bought the company, seems to have come to the conclusion that it was a bad investment.

Yesterday it emerged that the rapper right now the biggest sellers, Schibsted and the Swedish venture capital company Verdane, the inflated figures of the company Aspiro owns Tidal. The purchase was completed just over a year ago and the price tag ended up at SEK 464 million. But Jay-Z is not the only one who begins to see the company as a failure.

READ ALSO: Jay-Z hanging with Samsung – rumored to be about to sell Tidal

Tidal is owned today by a number of famous artists, among others are names like Beyonce, Rihanna, Coldplay and Kanye West on the list. When the West in February released their new album The Life of Pablo, he announced via twitter that Tidal would be the only place where you could listen to the album.

Just six weeks later, the West has already changed. As of today there his new album, also on Spotify and Apple Music. Although he took from his toes when he promised that this would not happen.

According to Tidal the album was immensely popular on the service. The company writes that it was streamed all over 250 million times just the first 10 days it was up there. Then you should keep in mind that Tidal only has 3 million users, which means that each user must have listened to albument 83 times every 10 days. Thus, 8 times a day.

The figures seem inflated itself and the West are now choosing to release the disc on other platforms may mean that the numbers are not nearly as impressive.

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the West has chosen to not yet tweeting about his kovänding, so we’ll wait and see how he chooses to warrant it. One thing that is clear is that tidals model was not as strong as the artists themselves felt. Users have become accustomed to consume all the music in the same place, and sometimes even free, so if the music turns up anywhere else they choose obviously not listening.

Now that the West chooses to back down from its earlier promise it also sends a signal to users. Why acquire Tidal when the material actually is not as exclusive as they first promised?

Tidal would manage to catch up with Spotify or Apple Music now seems quite incredible. It remains to see if anyone else chooses to purchase the service, or if it eventually just disappear.

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to back down from its earlier decision does not appear to affect the West’s self-confidence. Yesterday he tweeted text lines from one of his new songs – which is about himself.


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