Friday, April 15, 2016

Big Bank’s site is down “Examines the problem ‘- Göteborgs-Posten

Photo: TT

Large Bank Nordea’s website Low Thursday afternoon completely down. The Bank does not know what is causing the problem.

Since 16:15 o’clock Nordea’s customers could not access their banking services through the Bank’s website. At half past seven the Bank could announce that banking services were again available to customers.

– You can access all banking services applications on the website, says Magnus Nelin, press manager at Nordea.

The website was not fully operational and some parts were still not available.

the bank would not comment on the reason the site was down.

– we know what it is, but we do not comment the type of data, for security reasons, says Nordea’s press officer Magnus Nelin, said.

in the problem with the website, customers were able to log in to their banking via mobile phone, and if they used a direct link to Nordea’s internet banking .

– We have also put out the direct link on our Facebook page. Many of our customers have also saved this direct link as a bookmark, says Magnus Melin.


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