Thursday, April 14, 2016

ALMEGA threatening unions with damages – Swedish Dagbladet

Employer Parties ALMEGA Tjänsteförbunden , media companies and IT & amp; Telecom companies have submitted a so-called industrial peace objection to the Union and the Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers strike notice on the issue of flexible retirement.

ALMEGA believes that there is industrial peace in pensions. If the Union and the Swedish Engineers go on strike on Monday and did not heed this industrial peace objection. thinking ALMEGA claim damages.

The Union writes in a commentary that Almega peace duty of the opposition is just a way to delay the strike.

“The Union believes that objection is incorrect and that Almega purpose is only to delay the strike. this will only increase the members’ determination, “said the Union’s negotiating Niklas Hjert.

the Union and the Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers lawyers will respond to industrial peace objection and submit a response to the Labour Court for Friday. The Labour Court will handle the matter urgently. Industrial action can not break out until the Labour Court has decided the issue.


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