Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Over 100 dead due bilfel – Swedish Dagbladet

The cars’ ignition has been turned off while driving, which risked to cause the steering, brakes and airbags stopped working.

Although the company knew of the defect in about a decade it took a long time for the 2.6 million vehicles were recalled in February. Over a dozen workers at GM have been dismissed in connection with the discovery.

GM’s were relatively new CEO Mary Barra got in and the error a nightmare start when she began her job. She chose to put the questions of damages outside GM, and instead allow them to be handled by the law firm Kenneth Feinberg, formerly handled compensation to survivors of the September 11 attacks in 2001. He has received thousands of claims.

According to GM s previous estimate, the cost of damages to land around 400-600 million US dollars, equivalent to 3.5 to 5.2 billion.


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