Sunday, January 1, 2017

Race to travel to Turkey – financial times

Travel. Many yearn for the sun and the bookings of summer trips via the tour company Ticket has increased by 14 per cent compared with last year. However, bookings to Turkey have plummeted by 40 per cent.

Turkey ports for the first time in many years outside the top-ten list for the most booked semesterländer in Tickets bokningsstatistik. The country is currently in twelfth place. In the summer of 2012 was the country the one most popular sommarresmålet and 2016 ended up in the country in seventh place.

Fall of 40 percent compared to the booking situation a year ago is not surprising, consider Karin Starkman Ahlstedt, head of communications, on the Ticket.

– When there are repeated terrorist attacks, that gets the passengers worried and then it is no wonder that travelling habits are affected.

She compare with the reactions after the terrorist attacks in Paris in 2015.

– After Parisdåden so did the bookings are down, but they came in time pretty quickly again.

A Sifo-survey Ticket conducted among more than 1,000 people in the fall shows that many people are deterred by the risk of a terrorist attack. 41 percent of respondents said the threat of terrorism and acts affecting their travel behavior. 29% stated that it leads to the switching destination.

instead of Turkey, it is Spain, Greece and Croatia, which applies to those who want to enjoy the sun in the summer. Overall, the bookings until 29 december increased by 14 per cent compared with the same period a year earlier.


most Popular semesterländerna in the summer, according to the operator Ticket, with last year’s ranking in parentheses.

1. Spain (1)

2. The united states (3)

3. Greece (2)

4. The united kingdom (6)

5. Italy (4)

6. Croatia (8)

7. Cyprus (9)

8. Czech republic (new)

9. Thailand (10)

10. France (5)

11. Portugal (11)

1. Turkey (7)

Source: Tickets bokningsstatistik, sommarbokningar, up to 29 dec.



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