Monday, December 19, 2016

Swedish association of health professionals in Skåne, sweden said yes to the new contract for the midwives.


A new agreement is ready for Skånes midwives. Swedish association of health professionals in Skåne has said yes to the förhandlingbudet from Region Skåne. In total, 10 000 nurses in the Region who have been given a new agreement.

” It feels great. I am very glad that it has gone so well, says regional director Alf Jönsson.

the Agreement means that those who have constant night hours to work 32 hours a week.

the Agreement will enter into force already on 1 January next year.

– It is more than a year earlier than the central agreement was, ” says Alf Jönsson.

Monday’s negotiations dragged on, but eventually became the parties ‘ agreement.

It was last Thursday that health professionals Skåne received a proposal from Region Skåne, which means shorter working hours for all nurses working night or mixed day and night.

The agreement rests on the central agreements that Sweden’s municipalities and county councils, SKL, Swedish association of health professionals previously entered into. It means a working week of 34 hours for night workers nurses.

Region Skåne’s proposal meant a further short-time working, 32 hours. The proposal also includes specific solutions for, among other things, the birth.

the Swedish association of health professionals Skåne asked for and got extra time today, Monday.

During the day have many disappointed midwives demonstrated outside the regionhuset in Malmö. The mean bid for a reduction of working hours to 32 hours a week for those who work a lot night is not enough.

They demanded the same conditions as their colleagues in Helsingborg where a local projket means about 28 hours of work a week, according to the midwives.

After massuppsägningen of midwives in Malmö, many have found work in other places, among others in Helsingborg, sweden.

Region Skåne’s emergency plan has been that in January ordering the midwives in the whole of Skåne to Malmö to fill in the gaps.

the Newspaper has sought the Swedish association of health professionals for comment to the agreement.


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