Thursday, December 1, 2016

After the cut: Now is the record low interest rate on student loans – the Business

the Government decided today on a reduction of the level of interest rates for student loans from 2017.

From 2017, the level of interest rates on student loans to be lowered to 0.34 percent, which represents a reduction of approximately 0.26 percentage points.

Thus is the interest rate for student loans is now at its lowest level ever. There, the government decided on today.

1.5 million people have student loans in Sweden, the average borrower with a debt of around 134 000 sek.

The new interest rates for 2017 means that the average borrower gets a "reduced interest expense by approximately 1 900 sek per year, compared with the average for the period 2006-2016" said the government in a press release.


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