Sunday, November 13, 2016

Facebook strikes back against valkritik.

After that Donald Trump was elected president of the united states, to both opinionsföretagens and many voters ‘ surprise, the criticism leveled against Facebook. The company’s way to act nyhetsspridare without being able to verify the facts may have affected the outcome of the presidential election, according to researchers.

the Idea that Facebook would have influenced the american choice is “pretty crazy”, says Mark Zuckerberg. Arkivbild.Image: Kay Nietfeld/AP/TT

we click on in the Facebook feed gives the company an indication of what we want and give us then more of the same. This has meant that democratic and republican voters living in two different realities, writes The Guardian.

But the founder Mark Zuckerberg says that the idea of Facebook would have affected the choice is “crazy”.

– Voters make choices based on their experiences of life, ” he said at a conference in San Francisco on Thursday.

– There is a lack of understanding when you claim that the only reason that people voted that they made is that they saw the “fake news,” he continued.

According to an analysis by Buzzfeed contains 38% of the posts that come from högerpolitiska sides of the “false or misleading” information. Among vänstersajterna, the figure was 19 per cent.

” not Everything is true or false and in the gap between what we can control and what we cannot control, we can create our own history. Trump served on this, ” says Walter Quattrociocchi, researchers who studied the spread of misinformation, to The Guardian.

Mark Zuckerberg denies that Facebook would contribute to the so-called filter bubble that surrounds himself with like-minded people, who share the same type of material, which means that you don’t get other perspectives than his own.

” We have studied this carefully. I care really about this. Our research shows that this is not a problem, ” he said.

Christian Christensen, professor of journalism at Stockholm university, says that it is possible that Facebook influenced the election results, but that there is no evidence for it.

– There is other research that shows that it posted on Facebook by friends and acquaintances do not affect so much. It is extremely problematic to say that niche content has a direct effect, it is a part of a larger social context. We are not just living on Facebook.

on the other hand, Facebook is not in the infinite to be able to procrastinate their responsibilities as medieaktör, think Christian Christensen.

– Facebook have argued that they are not a media company, something that both journalists and scientists opposed. They do a selection of the news to users and says to the journalistic organizations that they are a way to reach out. I don’t know what they intend to do, but it starts to become difficult to hold the line that they are not a media company anymore.


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