Monday, October 17, 2016

Proposal on the extended elcertifikatsystem with the height of the rate of network expansion after 2022 – Mynewsdesk (press release)

to reach the new ambition of an additional 18 TWh by 2030 suggests, the Swedish energy agency to the electricity certificate system be extended to 2045 and that the quota be increased from 2022. With regard to the electrical system and the electricity demand suggested a kvotkurva that is expected to provide a higher rate of network expansion towards the end of the period.

the Goal of the common elcertifikatsmarknaden is a cost-effective way to increase renewable electricity production with a total of 28,4 TWh in Sweden and Norway from 2012 to 2020. The Swedish energy agency has been mandated to investigate how the electricity certificate system is to be optimised and extended for an additional 18 TWh of renewable electricity by 2030.

the Swedish energy agency in its final report from the control station proposal on how the system should be designed after 2020 for a new target to 2030.

Elcertifikatsystemets current design has worked well and has given the expansion of renewable electricity production at a relatively low cost.

“We believe, therefore, that it will continue to be a technology-neutral and market-based system with long-term conditions,” says Roger Östberg, who is a senior adviser at the Swedish energy agency.

Proposal on the extension and design of kvotkurva of 18 TWh by 2030

Sweden has today a elöverskott which is expected to increase further, with an increased ambition to 2030. The existing facilities are not expected to put down until the end of the 2020s, and adaptations of the electricity system, in order to allow more variable generation of electricity takes time. Out of the market and investor’s perspective, it is important that the rate of expansion neither too low or too high. The quota is proposed to increase from 2022 and has its centre of gravity towards the end of the 2020s.

– In this way, we create good conditions for the development of renewable electricity generation by 2020. We deliver a kvotkurva that takes into account the electrical system and the rate of investment, it bodes well for the future, says head of unit Gustav Ebenå.

the Swedish energy agency considers, continue to be renewable electricity to receive certificates for 15 years, which means that the system is extended to 2045.

Needs of the veto mechanism should be inserted in 2030

In the authority’s interim report in June found that there was a need of a veto mechanism should be inserted in 2020 in order to reduce the uncertainty about the expansion after the målåret. The energy agency therefore believes that a veto mechanism should be inserted should be in place in good time before the new quotas take effect in 2022. The design of this should be investigated as soon as possible.

– to send a clear signal to investors, it should be considered to introduce a stoppdatum with the link to the målår 2030, ” says Roger Östberg.

No certificates to new mikroproduktion from the sol after 2020

Mikroproduktion from the sun is currently favoured in several ways in addition to the electricity certificate system, which means that it does not compete on equal terms with other renewable sources. This creates an uncertainty in addition to the market risk for participants in the elcertifikatmarknaden. The Swedish energy agency suggests in its kontrollstationsrapport and solelstrategi to mikroproduktion with power up to 68 kW should not receive electricity certificates after 2020. In solelstrategin suggest the Swedish energy agency to mikroproduktionsproducenter instead to be able to take part of the other support.

About the control station in 2017

According to the agreement for the joint Swedish-Norwegian elcertifikatsmarknaden shall periodically carried out so-called control stations. In the checkpoints, the joint investigations carried out to evaluate the need for changes in the regulatory framework and adjustments of the kvotkurvan to achieve the goal. Control station in 2017 is carried out so that any changes in the law can enter into force on 1 January 2018.

in the Autumn of 2015, received the Swedish energy agency, the multiple assignment of the government concerning information to the control station in 2017. NVE received corresponding assignments from his department. Several missions delredovisades in June and the part which deals with elcertifikatsystemets design on a new goal in Sweden after 2020, reported in October.

On 1 september, the Swedish energy agency to further a mission that is to be reported in October. The assignment involves among other things, the authority shall propose quotas in order to extend and expand the electricity certificate system with 18 TWh by 2030.

Here are the information about the position before the control station in 2017 collected.


Gustav Ebenå, the Swedish energy agency. Telephone 016-544 2123

Roger Östberg, the Swedish energy agency. Telephone 016-544 2413

Martin Johansson, the Swedish energy agency. Telephone 016-544 2128


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