Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Proposal: the interest rate cap for payday loans – Svenska Dagbladet

the Investigator Johan Löfstrand hand over its investigation on “Strengthening consumer protection in the market for högkostnadskrediter”, such as loans, to the government of the day. Photo: Pontus Lundahl/TT

the cost cap will mean faster to collect the debt, which is positive both for the industry and for our customers, ” says Johan Löfstrand at a press briefing.

He also suggests a limitation of the possibility to extend the loan. However, don’t think Löfstrand on a requirement of writing the signature, then many companies are already using the bank id.

– the Report will, as usual, to go out on a referral, but it is absolutely clear that we need sharp measures to clean up on this market, says justice minister Morgan Johansson (S).


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